‘Don’t Look Up’ – satire or a warning? the breakdown we all need – Rosy F
Although it is a new movie, 'Don't Look Up' has already got lots of people…
What’s the best Christmas song? – Nelson thoughts
Just like the movie article, I asked Nelson what the best Christmas song is, here…
Whats the best Christmas movie? – Nelson thoughts
On a quest to find the best Christmas movie, I ventured around the very festive…
Memes Of The Week At Christmas – Toby C
Wether it’s Covid or drunk uncles, these memes will help you get through it all!…
El acoso escolar (Bullying in schools) – Amber, OJ, Poppy and Mim
!Escuchen! En nuestro instituto esta semana estamos aprendiendosobre el acoso. Hay alumnos que sufren de…
12 Days of Schoolmas – Jaz S
On the first day of Christmas, RHS gave to me... A chance to avoid COVID-19…
A Tree-mendous Guess- Jaz S
Merry Christmas, but it's time for a fun little Christmas game! Guess which teacher owns…
Staff as Children – Xmas pictures! Guess who…
The girl on the left may have designed the Christmas tree that year. Christmas jumper?…
Christmas ‘Dinner’ – The Rules
Mr Coleman's take... Is it lunch or dinner? I realise I am a contrarian, but…