Itaewon; halloween from hell
154 people have died in Seoul this past weekend, in what the media is calling…
Shalma al-Shehab’s Story- Amnesty International Club
With the school's recent focus on global awareness, we would like to share Shalma's story…
What is going on in Iran? -Izzy S
One area that interests me beyond the classroom is international relations and the complexity of…
You’re going to call me WHAT? – Jamie P
Over recent years, it has clearly become a trend for celebrities to assign their babies…
Joining the Bubble is Easy
Simply email your favourite editor, or, failing that, Mr Hodson or Miss Taylor-Payne, and let's…
Nelsons Fav Cafe Drinks – Izzy Scragg
The new Heritage Café opened last Wednesday, and Year 13 were the first to experience…
2022 or the 1950’s: The future of human rights looks suspiciously like the past – Jaz W
As a seventeen-year-old I have been alive for Brexit, Donald Trump’s presidency, an ongoing climate…
What can be done to mitigate the cost of living crisis? – Freddie C
The cost of living crisis is a phrase that has been mentioned quite frequently in…
International displays of mourning – Izzy Scragg
With the passing of our beloved Queen last week, we have mourned as a school…