La Historia de la Lengua EspaƱola – Natasha Scott
En este momento, hay 323 millones de hablantes de espaƱol y la lengua es la segunda mƔs popular en el mundo. En los Estados Unidos, el espaƱol es el mƔs extendido entre la gente.
El espaƱol es un miembro de la familia de las lenguas indoeuropeas, que se formĆ³ hace 5000 aƱos. La gente indoeuropea emigraba entre Europa y Asia y por eso las formas de la lengua espaƱola empezaban a formarse. ParaĀ la penĆnsula ibĆ©rica el grupo de gente dominante era los romanos y por eso, toda la gente nueva (Los Romanos) Ā hablaba latĆn. Como resultado de la conquista romana, hay dos principales lenguas (latĆn y la lengua original de la gente espaƱola). Los romanos no forzaron a la gente oriunda de EspaƱa a aprender latĆn, pero los espaƱoles querĆan adoptar latĆn, porque hizo la vida mĆ”s fĆ”cil para todos. De esta manera, las lenguas hispĆ”nicas de EspaƱa se crearon.
Sin embargo, todo esto ha ocurrido en EspaƱa, pero como la lengua se difundiĆ³ quizĆ”s es un misterio para algunos. El explorador famoso, CristĆ³bal ColĆ³n en 1492 viajaba de EspaƱa a AmĆ©rica y luego enseĆ±Ć³ a la gente cĆ³mo hablar espaƱol. Adicionalmente, los misioneros, por ejemplo la iglesia catĆ³lica, viajaban a AmĆ©rica. Muchos de los misioneros aun hablaban latĆn, pero para comunicar con la gente aprendieron y esto contribuĆa a la difusiĆ³n de la lengua espaƱola.

History of the Spanish language
At this time there are 323 million speakers of the Spanish language and it is the second most popular language worldwide. In the United States, Spanish is the most widespread language amongst the people.
Spanish is a member of the Indo-European family of languages that was formed 5000 years ago. The Indo-European people emigrated between Asia and Europe and because of this the branches of the Spanish language began to form. For the country of Spain, the most dominant group of people was the Romans, so all of the new people (the Romans) spoke Latin. As a result of the Roman conquest, there were two main languages (Latin and the original language of the Spanish people). The Romans did not force the native people of Spain to learn Latin, but the Spanish wanted to adopt the Latin language as it made life easier for everyone. In this way, the Hispanic languages of Spanish were created.
However, all of this had occurred in Spain, but how the language spread maybe is a mystery for some. The famous explorer, Christopher Columbus, journeyed in 1492 from Spain to America, and then taught people how to speak Spanish. Additionally, the missionaries, for example, the Catholic Church, journeyed to America. Many of the missionaries still spoke Latin, but in order to communicate with the people, they learnt Spanish and this contributed to the spread of the Spanish language.
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