‘My Worst Christmas’ – Staff Stories
Another year of restrictions on our Christmas celebrations has led to many of you, perhaps…
How ‘Normal’ Are Your Christmas Shopping Habits?
According to marketingweek.com we (as consumers) have some pretty strange and specific habits that retailers…
Formula 1 2021 season – Matt C & Archie L
What is Formula 1? Formula 1 is the highest class of international racing and has…
Turkey’s Inflation Crisis – Yeknaz T
Turkey, the largest economy in the Middle East and the 20th biggest in the world,…
Racism in Sports: Let’s talk about it – Rachael Ilori
I'm sure by now many of you have heard about the rather serious accusations of…
The Bubble’s Entertainment Guide – Savannah Collis
We're back with another entertainment guide for you, and you guessed it we have more…
Stir it Up; A Plea For Russian Borsch in the DH – Daniil Dildyaev
Let’s talk about the matter of soups.   At RHS, some pupils may sadly agree that, whilst soup plays an essential role in many cultures and forms part of a…
Rating Upcoming Events – Jaz S
Hello all, this half of term is very busy as you may know and why…
Omicron: Lockdown 4? – Will S
It has plastered our newsfeeds, it has been a talking point with everyone you meet…