Naughtiest Pet 2016 finalists
The Bubble has been on the lookout for the naughtiest pet of the RHS community. After much deliberation we have chosen our finalists, the most rebellious rodents,pottiest pooches and the craziest cats. However its down to you lot, oh Bubble readers to vote for your favourite pet ,that you think deserves the title of ‘Naughtiest RHS Pet 2k16’! Let us know by commenting the number of your favourite in the comments box below. The winner will be announced after half term.
1) Pickle the Guinea Pig

• He has tried to bite a Border Terrier on the nose
• He has wee’d on a very expensive pure wool artisanal throw
• He has eaten half a five pound note
• He has escaped from his hutch and got wedged behind the sofa (a number of times)
• He likes to chew any substance within reaching distance of his hutch?
• He has also spat quite a lot of rather costly liquid antibiotic over Miss in increasingly ingenious ways whilst being treated for bumblefoot. (And if you think it’s easy trying to syringe feed a guinea-pig a dose of antibiotic twice a day without said guinea-pig getting pretty rambunctious during the process, feel free to come and give it a try.)
2) Bramble the Cockapoo
Disembowls any stuffed toy she can get her paws on, spreading stuffing everywhere. Recently this has even involved stealing her new baby brothers toys.

3) Cleopatra the cat
She thinks she’s the queen, she has never done anything she doesn’t want to do. She dips her tail in her families cereal, death stares down any male, takes on dogs (and wins) and is just generally a badass old lady!

4) Artemis the Beagle and King Charles Spaniel cross (a very greedy combination!).
She is the sneakiest operator and can remove food from under your nose in seconds, with a little distracting help. In her spare time she enjoys raiding bins in St Vincent House, in fact she is not fussy- any bin will do. Her latest victim, her baby sister, is unwise to her greedy, naughty ways so Artemis has easy pickings: plenty of baby toys and now, much to her delight FOOD! You will not find much incriminating evidence because she is so efficient at what she does. Anyone who can leave their bins out and kitchen doors open would be much appreciated.

5) Tiggs the tabby (the smaller of the two cats)
She may look cute in this picture (looks can be deceiving) but she terrorises her sister (Puddin’ Chops) and Miss Heighway on a daily basis. She likes to swing from the curtains, pinches Puddin’s food and her favourite past time is chewing Miss Heighways feet. Miss has to wear long sleeve tops because of all the scratches on her arms and she often jumps up on the kitchen side to finish any milk left in cereal bowls. You will often find her with clumps of Puddin’s fur in her mouth after they’ve been fighting. The thing is Tiggs is only 3 months, so what other mischief does she have up her metaphorical feline sleeves?

6)Betsie the Cocker Spaniel
Don’t be fooled by the puppy dog eyes, blonde highlights and innocent looks ….. this is ‘the muncher’, ‘the digger’, ‘the wrecker’ of anything and everything left in the garden. See photo attached to realise Betsie is a little lady with attitude! …. dragging a bed, three times heavier than her, from the shed to the middle of the garden before shredding it, shows determination!

7)Sparkie the Labrador
‘Sparkie has a range of naughty hobbies that include: rubbing himself in the rankest smells he can find – eau d’ dead seagull is a particular favourite, eating poo and chewing on the rotten carcasses of deceased animals – he loves a putrid rabbit. The naughtiest thing he has ever done though was eating the highly expensive fillet steak out of the Christmas Beef Wellington whilst Mrs Stone and her families backs were turned in the Kitchen.

8) Geoffrey the hamster
The naughtiest hamster in Suffolk? Last week while his owners Maud and Erin were fast asleep, Geoffrey pushed open the bars of his cage and escaped! He even climbed down a table, a flight of stairs, and then climbed up the side of a sofa and hid behind the cushion! He then fell asleep until the early hours of the next morning when a cleaner found him and screamed with fright, she thought there was a rat infestation in Nelson! Geoffrey is also one of a kind as he is the first pet hamster ever to live in Nelson.

9) Sven the dog
Svens owners are yet to find a toy that he has not broken into. He digs huge holes all over the garden, often burying his broken toys in them trying to hide all evidence. He also takes great pleasure in digging holes under the fence to meet his best friend next door amd he will lick anyone he can because he gets so excited.

10) Trinity the Cheeky Pup
Just look at this photo and you will see why this lilttle pup has made it to the finals. Her owner Eve tells me she is extremely confident, determined and energetic and will stop at nothing to get what she wants.

11) Hector and Zeno-(Pinky and The Brain)
The ‘boys’ often spend their time together whilst their owners are at work, and much like ‘Pinky and the Brain’ spend this time constructing plans to take over the world (to them the RHS ‘bubble’)A most recent example of this outrageous behaviour was during a Wednesday evening, owners Miss Campbell and Miss Izod enjoyed a relaxed evening watching the Great British Bake Off and dipping into a luxury box of chocolates. The ‘boys’ dribbled and yearned for these chocolates from afar, unbeknown to us secretly planning their next move.The very next day, Zeno gave the call and Hector with his long extendable legs reached for those chocolates, stored safely on the pantry shelves. The result; two very content dogs, and two outraged owners. This is not an isolated incident; together they have destroyed many stuffed toys, gnawed on high heels, chomped through make up, shredded bins bags full of rubbish, intimidated post-men, jumped into the stench ridden mud of Holbrook creek and then immediately onto cream sofas.

12) George-the result of a flunked science experiment involving GMing the offspring of Colchester zoos escaped lion and Hoods ginger cat.
‘This naughty little pussy cat is the baddest of the bad’ claims her owner Molly. She’s an evil killer who terrorizes Hood girls by stealing and eating their food not to mention her obsession with dogs.