Bake Off Predictions – Harriet G
The semi finals of the classic show – the Great British Bake off are next week and only 4 home bakers are left. Each of them have a chance but who do i think will be the one to get the title of Britain’s best amateur baker

I think Dan defiantly has a chance of winning with his flavours getting the most praise throughout the series however his presentation of dishes has not been the best and a few show stoppers have not looked like showstoppers. This means there’s a chance that he could fail to impress the judges when it really counts. However he was the first to get star baker If he gets his presentation dishes right on the day I think there’s going to be a chance he wins.

Tasha has been the most consistent baker with her showstoppers looking amazing (apart from tractor in the quarter final) and tasting great most weeks however things have gone badly wrong for her before. I think she has the most chance of winning being the judges favourite most weeks. Creating some high standard show stoppers and getting the first handshake she’s proven that she’s a great baker and defiantly in with a chance of winning.

Matty is my favourite and has been the one who seems to be the most improved across the season. He won star baker in the quarter finals and he has chance of getting through to the finals.
However I think he hasn’t been the most impressive or consistent across the season putting him a a disadvantage to win but I do think and hope he will get into the final.

Josh has produced some amazing showstoppers with many having the best appearance in the tent but hes only one star baker once (the least out of all contestants left). Hes defiantly going into the semi finals as the underdog and I think hes the most likely to go out before the finals but if he can pull of a showstopper like the illusion cake he would defiantly earn himself a spot in the final.
I think anyone could go out in the semi finals but any of them could also win so its defiantly going to be a suspenseful final .
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