Brilliant Battle of Staff Style Pt.2 – Winter Wardrobes – Daisy C
It’s dark and it’s cold but this article will bring light back into your life. As winter steadily engulfs us, layering becomes a must. And for this season’s battle of staff style, we introduce the scarfs, the mittens and the CHRISTMAS JUMPERS (or not if you’re Mr Corby). So munch through your advent Calanders and turn ‘nativity’ on for the 50th year as you read this fabulous fashion advice from the professionals. They are flamboyant in their outfits. They are mixed in their opinions. They are going head-to-head in just a few sentences. Who has your vote?
The teacher with the not-so-secret talent. You may have expected someone so capable to achieve the specific Christmas dress code, but no, he actually opposed it! Introducing… Mr C

You will have spotted that I’m not wearing anything to do with Christmas, mostly because I try to have as little to do with the festering season as possible. I don’t, won’t and will never own the style abomination that is the ‘Christmas jumper’. The jumper that I (am made to) wear at Christmas has an image of the one thing that I actually like about the season, sprouts. It’s still ghastly and will only ever see action if I become a greengrocer.
After nearly 20 years in sales and retail I have an utter hatred for commercial dates in the calendar where spending and the associated ‘joy’ is enforced. Christmas is a joyous occasion that reminds us of the importance of keeping joy in our lives for the whole year. The picture that you see shows me at my most joyous and stylish, my wife and I had just won the All-England Grand Prix.
- Let’s pick the look apart. Its white tie, that’s the name of the whole outfit, not just the neckwear and as such it’s the most formal and stylish look of all. The tail suit is bespoke, custom tailored to me and the actual white tie is self-tied (as it should be) and not a wretched pre-tied specimen. Grooming is immaculate, as it should be, and real men definitely use hairspray.
- So what makes me the most stylish teacher in the school, apart from the evidence of your own eyes? Well, whilst others may undertake their weekend sport and leisure activities in various types of sporting garb, shorts, tee shirts, golf trousers or skins with barely a natural fibre in sight, I don my white tie and tails.
- For the rest of the week my extensive wardrobe is almost 100% sustainable and recycled as almost everything I wear comes from charity shops or Ebay. Never quite knowing what you are likely to find when you go clothes shopping keeps you on your toes in terms of working out how a look will hang together like nothing else. It’s certainly more challenging for me that for those who own one of every colour of Schoff. I love recycled clothing and to paraphrase Wallace Simpson, nothing looks as good as sustainable feels.
Next up, with admittedly less glitz and glamour but certainly more festivity! Most would scream at a colour clash, but this contender chooses it. Well, each to their own, Mrs S…

Advent is here and I actually broke my own record this year of the-earliest-I-can-wear-a-Christmas-jumper; Monday 28 November, to an especially Christmasy Family Time! Not content with one Christmas jumper, I present you with my Day and Evening wear versions for AC22 (Advent/Christmas).
- Day – The Robin, perfect blending of Mustard (Rustic Gold) Snag tights to match the cute little beak, accented browns and to top it off, huge additional (pupil-gifted) scarf; on this day, I am only wearing one, clearly no easterly gusts across the Parade Square. Please remind me to take it off during lessons to avoid light-headedness when grooving to ‘brain jazz’.
- Evening – The Pudding, total clash of colours and shades here, with the subtle matching of turquoise between Kikoy trousers (Bushbells if you’re asking) and wrist (Casio). The stimulating clash of colours keeping everyone awake during prep and on Duty. Compulsory Schöffel (German quality – the underpinning of all things Suffolk) finished off with Pillar Box red Toms for ultimate comfort and quiet footsteps when trying to uncover where the late-night chats are happening!
Onto our third and final contender: It’s the pose for me Mrs O’C!

I do not think I am the most fashionable teacher, neither is this my favourite winter outfit. But I do like to think I have a sense of style (albeit I appreciate it can be random) and this outfit represents what I want from clothes over winter – to be SNUGGLY WARM!
- Corduroy trousers – I remember my mum buying me a pair of wide leg pillar-box red pair of corduroy trousers and I loved them; I have loved cords ever since. They are warm and hard wearing. I also happen to have read an article this week that said cord is in fashion this winter #ontrend
- Jumper (and matching mittens) – I bought this jumper the first time I went on the school trip to Iceland, it is so warm (if slightly itchy). Who doesn’t love mittens? Mittens are great. In deepest winter you will see me sporting dark grey mittens on string (yes, I have those, and yes, I feed them through my coat, and yes, my husband makes fun of me for it – but it’s incredibly practical).
- Hat – my mum gave me this hat last Christmas, she bought it on holiday to Barra (Scotland), it’s warm, a nice pattern, handmade and covers my ears, so it ticks all the boxes of what I want from a hat. (I also recommend earmuffs for the winter period).
So, after asking 20 people, this season’s winner is none other than Mrs Skau! Her unique style has been appreciated- love that! She will take on Mr Guruh and one other in the Summer ultimate fashion final. But who will the last winner be?
Find out in Spring…
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