Whats the best Christmas movie? – Nelson thoughts
On a quest to find the best Christmas movie, I ventured around the very festive Nelson house to ask my fellow year 13’s what the best Christmas movie. Interesting ideas and suggestions were discovered and I can’t tell if its informative or not but either way…enjoy!
Love Actually

“It’s nice and happy”
“Colin Firth”
“I love how it follows lots of different stories that all somehow link, you also cant beat the dancing in Number 10 scene”
“Its cute and makes me happy”
“Hugh Grant”
Home Alone

“Its a classic”
“Its just funny”
“Very fun thing to watch, and you can watch it with family”
“Good characters I guess”
“Shows you the true meaning of Christmas, and that family is everything so appreciate them, because you never know when you’re gonna get ditched by them”
“He hates his family, and his funny and clever schemes”
“Its funny”
The Grinch

“Its relatable”
The Santa Claus
“I was forced to like it”
“I like the animated one and the real one because i’m not fussed”
“It’s just funny”
The Holiday

“Jude Law”
“Also Jude law”
“Wholesome and feel good”
“Jude Law is so hot and its just so good”

“It gives me warm family vibes”
“Its one of the first ones I watched”
The Night Before

“Its funny”
Polar express

“Its a classic”
“Good family film, its nostalgic and different”
“I love this, its not actually the best Christmas film but it has a firm spot in my heart as its my family tradition to watch it on Christmas Eve, gotta love Tom Hanks but my god that kid in the yellow pyjamas with glasses is so annoying”
“The nerd in the yellow jumper, its just annoying but it reminds me of innocent childhood Christmas”
Die Hard

“I don’t know, I haven’t actually watched it, its just what everyone says”
“Im a die hard ‘Die Hard’ fan because I love Alan Rickman as he is a calm and collected villain but I pray for John McClain’s feet”
“I like that its Christmas but in a funny way and not a cringe way”
The Nightmare before Christmas

“Allows you to know your true self, gives you the feeling of be happy with yourself, teaches you self-worth and self-love”
“Its different”
“Firstly, halloween is an elite holiday and should always be included, I like Jack Skellington because of his character evolution”

“It’s just funny”
“It’s absolutely hilarious, makes me weirdly tempted to try syrup on my spag bowl”
“Its a good movie”
“Will Ferrel”

“I know all the words and it makes me happy”
“It’s got some catchy bangers”
Overall I think we have a good mix of movies here, frankly I think the holiday wins thanks to Jude Law, but Nelson’s opinions on other Christmas classics have been eye opening.
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