The schools charity: what it is and why we need you!-Flora Bagnall
So far this year we have already seen many fund raising attempts for the schools charity from civis days to Christmas cards and Wig Wednesday. However I know many pupils and staff are still a little unclear as to what the schools charity is this year and what they can do to contribute, so if you are one of the above keep reading!
This year the schools charity committee,led by Mr Rennison has decided to set up the RHS foundation, as part of the Suffolk Community Foundation, to help support multiple local charities and voluntary organisations, as opposed to just one. This will allow us to give back directly to the community and support many people and causes across Suffolk, really making a difference to people’s lives. Community foundations act as financial hubs to which local organisations can apply to for help with funding. Not only will this have a lasting impact on many individuals across the county, it will also save local charities precious time and effort from fundraising so they can focus on what they do best.
In order to establish The RHS Fund we need to have raised about £20 000. I know this may sound daunting, but if each pupil were to raise just £30 this year we would reach the target! Fundraising doesn’t have to be standing around in supermarkets shaking buckets, no… get creative! There are so many interesting and active people at RHS with many interests, skills and passions, so use these to your advantage and go for it, let’s make a difference together!!!!
To find out more, get involved or if you wish to join the pupils charity committee contact Mr Rennison and visit The Suffolk Community Foundations website at
Look out for opportunities to support the fundraising and to achieve the fundraising target.
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