Student chrimbo knits
So everyone, we’ve reached the end of the michalemas term which means civis day and of course there are many festive winger woolys around RHS. Christmas jumpers used to be seen as just the sort of unwanted present youd get from some old and dribly distant family member, but now they’ve become a bit of a bad fashion statement. Here are some of the top  christmas jumpers being worn by the students this year. Embrace the chrimbo vibe by voting for your favourite Christmas jumper in the comments section at the bottom. To vote, please write only the number you are voting for no nasty bah-humbugs please!
- The bands collection of festive fashionistas, looking lovely during a practice for their christmas lunch performance tomorrow.
2) Jamie Fosker striking a pose in his classic christmas tree knit.
3) Does Gray Hollands shining star hoodie shine out as your favourite?4) Some Merry little elves found rocking around the Nelson tree
5) Milly Orr bringing some festivity to the language corridor in her jolly Puente de la Navidad.
6) Will Milsom and Rory Sellers sharing the reindeer love
Dont forget to vote for your favourite below and check out the teachers competition too
!!!!!Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!
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