Game of Thrones Season 8: Why it’s so bad – Giles Lennox
Before I start my piece, I would like to clarify this is a review that…
Ready (or Not) Player One – Gray Holland
I saw Ready Player One over the holiday; I had not read the book, and…
A Night At The Oscars – Gray Holland
In case you've somehow managed to miss all the fuss that the Academy Awards ceremony…
Netflix Recommendations – Gray Holland
With the stress of mock exams behind us for the most part now (ignoring the…
An Education in Allyship – Gray Holland
Under all the terrible news that constantly permeates the political and social spheres of the…
A short from Warsaw – RHS Alumnus 2017
Francois Hildebrandt left RHS last year with strong A-level results, including in film studies, his…
The Weinstein Scandal – Gray Holland
With more coming out of the woodwork seemingly every minute, the dominoes that have tumbled…
VIDEO: ‘BK Drums’ – Harry Bone Knell; dir. Jack Harman
Macbeth’s Video Diary: Act 1 – Charlie France and Patrick Wiseman