Our ocean isn’t a bin! – David Obasan
Plastic. The greatest thing in the world, right? It's super durable and can be used…
Who are you deciding to be? – Megan Butler
There’s a topic that’s been close to my heart for a few years now and…
Hot off the press Headlines – Holly Folkard-Smith
‘MPs reject no-deal Brexit’ Classic. Yet again a vote was cast in Parliament this week…
ABOUT my thought of the week: Feminism matters – Olivia Scott
Before my thought for the week on Monday, I wrote two speeches: one about feminism…
Hot off the press Headlines – Holly Folkard-Smith
‘Knife crime must be tackled’ This was a key headline in the week then it…
An insight into the Heads of School – Holly Folkard-Smith
Apart from getting our names on the board and wearing a gold badge Adam and…
Prefect thought of the week: Time to yourself – George Nicholls
Good morning, As we all know, RHS is full of new and exciting opportunities, from…
The Real World – Mrs. Rodgers
Fed up of life in the bubble? Need some outside stimulation? Here's our weekly focus…
Harrow football… what? – Holly Folkard-Smith
A simple breakdown of the game is that 2 teams consisting of 11 players attempt…