The Real World – Mrs. Rodgers
Fed up of life in the bubble? Need some outside stimulation? Here’s our weekly focus on a current affair, disscusion, anything real world related outside our wonderful “Bubble”!
22nd – 25th January 2019 the world’s greats in media, business, politics and celebrity culture descend on a small Swiss village known as Davos. Often noted for its proximity to top class ski resort and favourite of the royals Kloisters, Davos is the slightly more accessible little sister. Until this week in January. The town is transformed with helicopters flying in and out of the mountain, business execs from across the globe flying for top level meetings with equivelant executives from across the world, it’s a glamorous chance to discuss world change, events and issues whilst enjoying excellent apres ski, talks and further apres ski (drinks)into the early hours.
Hosted by the World Economic Forum (WEF) the three full days provides attendees with the opportunity to hear speakers who are experts in their fields talk about world change, globalisation and how we can make the world a better place to live and trade. It provides top business leaders with the opportunity to network whilst just travelling to one location as then all of these high profile guests are situated within a few square kilometres of each other. Security is tight with snipers on every roof top and a range of wrist bands to attend the different speakers and events, top wrist band to get is the white one. Previous attendees have included Barack Obama and Donald Trump (not in the same year!). This year’s key world speech was from David Attenborough and Prince William on how we can save the planet. If you have a spare 15 minutes whilst travelling on the bus it’s definitely worth a watch . It’s fantastic that world business and political leaders are getting together to discuss how we can save the natural world because if they we are going to destroy the planet and subsequently our own ability to live on it for future generations.. Scary reading!

Take a look and challenge yourself to go veggie for a week, increase your recycling and stop using disposable plastic bottles.
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