How are you smart? – Christopher S. (Yr 8)
Have you ever wondered why some people are naturally amazing at solving impossible maths questions in incredible speeds while others can perform entire songs by just listening to them once. That is because everybody is smart, but in their own way. In this article you will find out the seven types of smart and see which one you are!Â
The theory of the seven types of intelligence was created by a psychologist named Howard Gardner in 1983 as he wanted to show the world how just because some people are not ‘book smart’, does not mean that they are not talented in any sort of way. So let explore and find out how you are smart!
- Logical-Mathematical Intelligence:Â
This type of intelligence may also be thought of as a logic expert. If you are this type of intelligence, you love maths and logical problems meaning you are a really good analytical person! This also means that you are gifted with being especially amazing at subjects such as mathematics, science, or engineering!
Jobs you would be good at include:
- ScientistÂ
- Science engineerÂ
- DetectiveÂ
- Mathematician Â
- Linguistic Intelligence:Â
Are you a fan of writing poetry or debating. How about reading books? If this is you, you are really good with your words and using them in a powerful way. This means that you are able to speak, read and write in an advanced manner.
Jobs you would be good at include:Â
- AuthorÂ
- JournalistÂ
- LawyerÂ
- Politician Â
- Musical Intelligence:Â
Do you love any sorts of rhythms, tunes and beats or can you play instruments with ease? If this is the case you are musically talented meaning you are good at all things music; are also good at playing tunes just by listening to them!Â
Jobs you would be good at include:Â Â
- MusicianÂ
- ComposerÂ
- SingerÂ
- Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence:Â
Are you exceptional at sports or are very handy with fixing things. If you are an expert in these things, you have bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence. This means that you are very co-ordinated and good at reacting quickly. Â
Jobs you would be good at include:
- AthleteÂ
- MechanicÂ
- DancerÂ
- SurgeonÂ
- Spatial Intelligence:Â
Can you picture things in your head easily like cubes or even buildings. Are you a huge fan of designing, sketching, and building things? If so, then you are spatially intelligent thus meaning that you are able to design things very easily and can picture most things in your head with ease like strange object and shapes.
Jobs you would be good at include:Â
- ArchitectÂ
- ArtistÂ
- Graphic DesignerÂ
- PilotÂ
- Interpersonal Intelligence:Â
Are you very understanding of how other people feel? Do you love teamwork and social events, if so then you are interpersonally intelligent! This means that you have an elevated level of social intelligence meaning you are particularly good Vat public interactions.
Jobs you would be good at include:Â
- TeacherÂ
- Entrepreneur Â
- BloggerÂ
- TherapistÂ
- Intrapersonal Intelligence:Â
Are you constantly working on self-improvement, working on new goals, and engaging in your own deep thoughts and emotions? If so, then you have intrapersonal intelligence! This means that you are very philosophical and disciplined.
Jobs you would be good at include:Â
- PhilosopherÂ
- Life coachÂ
- PsychologistÂ
- WriterÂ
So, now that you have heard all the seven types of intelligence, you can tell which ones you are. It is most likely that you have multiple for example some people have linguistic and intrapersonal intelligence making famous poets whereas others may have Logical-Mathematical and Spatial intelligence making great architects!
From now on, stop asking yourself ‘how smart am I,’ instead begin to ask,’ in which way am I smart?’
Sooooo, how are you smart?
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