Battle of the office decor – Bella P
Having spent a considerable amount of time over the past few weeks wandering around the school building, usually in search of an empty classroom to work in, I’ve noticed the sliding scale of office decorations. With some only being able to be described as… minimalistic and… practical, some looking… slightly disorganised and of course some looking cosy and comfortable. I therefore felt that it was important to share some of my personal favourites and perhaps prompt some much needed decorating in others.

Mr Cohens ‘office’:
Before starting with the review I’ve promised to include a disclaimer that Mr Cohen has only been in this office for a ‘few’ months and therefore has had limited opportunity to decorate.
This office space (when tidy) seems to encapsulate the key concepts of minimalism. It’s clear to see from this that his love of all things penguin related (a new fact for those of you who didn’t already know) extends far beyond just his home, my personal favourite of his penguin memorabilia would have to be the Lego penguin featured on his desk (I wonder which of his favourite Cornwallis pupils bought that for him…?). The Cornwallis theme is strong yet subtle with every desk accessory being linked to a memory/pupil except of course for the post-it note on his computer reminding him which desk is his… an easy mistake to make?? But despite any of my views on this office’s decor (or lack thereof) it’s somewhere I frequently find myself popping into for a ‘quick’ chat in as I’m passing by.

Mr Platt’s office:
I’m sure it would be sensible to start with some kind of overall comment on this office, but when taking this picture the only thing my eyes were drawn to was the sweet treat sitting on the side of the desk, something I’d argue is a must have in any office. However, after pulling my gaze away from this delicious treat, it is obvious that the office is practically begging for a fresh coat of paint or at the very least just a few plants or fairy lights to divert our attention. Although looking at this it’s safe to say Mr Platt is definitely prepared for any eventuality, whether that be needing an outfit change halfway through the day or some sun cream to block the intense rays so often in Holbrook?? But, there is one decoration worth a special mention, the picture beside his desk drawn by his daughter – if that isn’t worth bonus points I’m not sure what is.
Mrs O’callaghan’s office:
This office seems to bear some resemblance to a tropical island which, when walking around rainy Holbrook, is a perfect escape. However, as if a tropical island wasn’t quite enough there are many other much more unique decorations such as the animals on the cupboard or the figures suspended from the ceiling. Whilst I’m in awe at the creativity used in this space my only concern is how much it promotes focused work, I know I for one would be instantly distracted by everything around me.

Mrs Botley’s office:
There of course must be a disclaimer before I talk about this office, as it could be suggested that I may be slightly biased as one of Miss Botley’s tutees and to that I have no defence but despite this I feel it would be remiss of me to not include her office. The variety of decorations from plants to fairy lights alongside the wide selection of stationary somehow makes this space feel cosy and welcoming without becoming too cluttered. I especially love the commitment to the maths themed decorations which have been intricately woven in, from the light box to the origami… maths truly is everywhere!!
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