Boarding House Rants- Sam B and Charlie L

Our undercover reporter has been finding out what really winds up the boys in St Vincent.

- Firstly, St V’s reputation as smelly. It is not. If we can’t smell it, neither can you. Blame the drains.
- Those who wear glasses without a prescription.
- Pupils watching their shoes while marching during divisions (Do you not know how your feet work!)
- The lack of volume in chapel yesterday. Where is the Holbrook sound??
- Piano songs/artists that enrage us: Runaway, Lukas Graham and anything Coldplay.
- Boys leaving game discs out of their cases, or, in the wrong case – just awful!
- AirPods. Why on earth do people need to walk around school and the boarding house with a single AirPod in, listen to music at home not during a conversation.
- The rain. Why has it rained every single day?
- The tuck shop prices are too high! Yes, we don’t want to walk….
- People who have no concept of time so think it is right to come down half-dressed and late for meeting. Then, when they try and lie and say they were here on time. They were not.
Mr Roe’s personal rant…
“For a staff body that kindly supplies cake on many occasions, why has no one supplied any cake forks!”

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