Hodson’s Top 10 Musical Moments – Emi S
If you know Mr Hodson, you’ll know he’s a pretty musical guy. The kind who would try and show up everyone at a pupil-led gig night (watch out for him at the summer one…), or else hear you mention the name of a band and ask you to name three songs, but in a more subtle and underground way, of course.
Initially, the front row of 13AEnLi – consisting of Lucia, Isabel, and myself – had no idea Hodson was a man of such culture, citing his favourite grunge bands of the 90s, and quite successfully imitating Morrissey’s wailings. But little did we know, this was just the surface…
Thus, I present to you, Hodson’s Top 10 Musical Moments:
10. Vague playlist names
We caught a glimpse one day at the guarded Spotify playlists, including the exhaustively specific ‘dinner music’ and ‘good songs’ – pretty sure we heard the full range on the way to Milton’s cottage, from Soundgarden to the nation’s favourite classical bangers.
9. Impressive impressions
The difference between Morrissey and Hodson-Morrissey singing Cemetery Gates is genuinely uncanny.
8. Who? Really?
Apparently people say Hodson looks ‘like one of the Apex twins’ – lucky for him, there is only one Aphex twin, but I’m not too sure I see the resemblance – google a pic and find out…
7. Bateman’s band
Hodson, like every cool teen, had a band. Aside from reading Plato and doing other similarly cool teenage things, he decided to try and emulate his 90s grunge heroes with his bandmate, Bateman (not Patrick).
6. Not too sure what to call this one
Sometimes, life gives you gifts, and sometimes, life gives you Mr Hodson’s acapella rendition of Take Me Out by Franz Ferdinand.
5. Impromptu Nelson concerts
There comes a point when you walk into Nelson on a Thursday night carrying a guitar case. It is at this precise moment at which enquiries are made about the contents of said guitar case, which swimmingly lead to Hodson playing every Radiohead and Beatles riff he knows in the foyer. Impressive, unexpected, perhaps inevitable.
4. Undercover Deftones fan?
Once, we were treated to an explosive, out-of-nowhere rendition of Knife Prty on a particularly frosty winter morning, which woke us up to say the least. This set us onto Hodson’s more hardcore range, but if you ask him to name three Deftones songs I’m not so sure…
3. Portuguese Bowie
Early on in Year 12, we took a short music break to listen to a low-res fella singing David Bowie songs in Portuguese on a lovely acoustic guitar. It was very nice and calming, soothing even, before being thrown back into The Handmaid’s Tale’s dystopian hellscape.
2. Coincidence?
One story that never gets old: Hodson met Thom Yorke in a baguette shop in Oxford. Insane. Unlikely. Unbelievable, you might say. Well, I’ll make sure to scour every baguette shop anytime I drop by Oxford to maximise my chances…
1. Rap star
If you’re in Year 12 English Lit… you have the following to look forward to: an Eminem-style rap based on A Doll’s House’s downtrodden underdog, Nils Krogstad. Delivered with a full backing track and lyrical menace, the only thing topping this is our very own ‘No Surprises for Krogstad’.

And that completes the list. To Year 12 Eng Lit, all can say is, expect a lot. And to the rest of you, I wouldn’t say a gig night appearance is completely off the table…
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