Die Fledermaus – Meet the Cast – Daisy C
If you don’t already know, an incredible opera awaits you this Saturday night (16/03/24) in the BRH. With some of the finest singing, extravagant costumes and great accents, do not miss out ! Through the sweet sounds of opera, an interesting tale will be told, where a man called Falke hosts a ball, intending to trick Eisenstein into cheating on his wife with … HIS WIFE. There’s comedy from Orlofsky and messiness from Frank – a light-hearted tone to soften this tense central plot.
Eisenstein – Played by Oli

I play the part of Eisenstein, who is in fact and awful person that is supposed too be in prison, but instead decides to go to a party with the expressed intention of cheating on his wife, who, unbeknownst to him s trying to seduce hum and catch him in the act. Of all the roles I’ve played, he’s got to be the worst person I’ve experienced – far from a pleasure to play!
Rosalinda – Played by Mathilda

I play the part of Rosalinda: Eisenstein’s wife and Adele’s mistress. While undertaking the alternative identity of a Hungarian countess, she wows the crowd and manages to lead her husband to almost cheat on her … with HERSELF (quite and achievement if you ask me). A melodramatic character, with a great array of songs, this role has been really enjoyable to bring to life.
Falke – Played by Theo

I play the role of Falke – Eisenstein’s best friend. The whole opera is centred around me wanting to get revenge on him for a practical joke he pulled on me a couple of years ago. Despite the fact that he should be going to prison, I invite him to a masked ball along with his wife (although he doesn’t know that she is there) and they start taking an interest in one another. At the end of the play, I finally get my long- awaited revenge – and it is very sweet I might add. It is a great role to play, especially as I have to convince him to participate in some nefarious activates, and I enjoy stitching Eisenstein up at many parts.
Orlofsky – Played by Emi

I play Orlofsky, the prestigious Russian prince. He is eternally bored, has too much money to know what to do with and finds nothing better to do than throw a lavish part which hosts the intricacies of Falke’s plot. I get to wear a majestic stache, attempt to sing in a Russian accent and I’m enjoying the challange of a comic role!
Frank – Played by Freddie

I play Frank: a jailer sent to arrest Eisenstein. I come across clumsy as when I am first introduced to the audience, I arrest the wrong person – Eisenstien’s butler. I’ve really enjoyed playing this character, just as much as the previous ones and hopefully the ones to come.
Adele – Played by Ioli

I play Adele, the servant of Rosalinda and Eisenstein. When sent a letter from my ‘sister’ inviting me to a ball, I come up with extravagant reasons for needing the light off, and when I finally arrive at the ball, I am tasked with the tricky role of convincing everyone that I am really a great actress. Capturing her cheeky character and singing my aria has been really enjoyable.
Ida – Played by Immy

I play Ida, the ballet dancer and sister of Adele. Although there is not much explicitly written about Ida, I like to think that while she is a bit dramatic and judgy, she is also a sweetheart underneath all of that, who want the best for her sister – the classic protective big sister energy!
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