Cameron: Flop or Not? – Eve H
If you have read Daisy’s article from last week you will know all about the politics drama and the joke our nation has become. Obviously, Dave C is back in number 10 and people have thoughts about it and as an ever inquisitive Politics student, I decided to make a pros cons list to see how I felt about former PM becoming FM.
Pros –
- Snazzy outfits, this man definitely doesnt shop at Primark if you get my gist.
- he’s an animal lover, google David Cameron holding a puppy, very cute
- Worked with the LibDems – or did they work for him? Can’t really remember, I was 4.
- His Wife, she owns a nice Clothes line and dresses well.
- He was a Remainer – green flag in any man I must say
- My fave PM out of all the MANY tory PMs we had recently.

Cons –
- Likes farms.
- He (probably) votes tory
- Remember the big referendum – He started it.
- he came crawling back just to be demoted – bit of an ick if you ask me
- his hair – not to be baldist but his hair is thinning and I know he can afford plugs
- All politics A-level kids round the world have to learn more because of this hoo-ha (me included).

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