Overheard at RHS: The Exam Hall Special – Izzy S
What a two weeks it has been for those of us in Years 11 and 13. Mocks have hit hard – and results even harder in some cases…
For this edition of Overheard at RHS I have chosen to focus on what has been overheard outside and within the walls of the Assembly Hall and the Jellicoe Room. Here are some reports from those who have been keeping their ears open…
Could it be you?
‘In Geo they printed off A3 sheets and the boys in my year pretended they were in Dora the Explorer’ – hmm, if you have been revising by watching Dora I am concerned!

‘Someone let one loose’ – after watching the Inbetweeners this has become a valid exam-phobia for many students.

‘When the teacher takes about 5 hours to start the exam can you pleaseee hurry up and read the terms and conditions!!!’- Yes we have handed in our watches and phones. Can we now crack on!

‘Someone’s table collapsed in the exam hall’ – This happens every year; learn to control your table; you’re disturbing the rest of us!

‘Oh my goodness…that last A-level mock I think I turned into an ice cube…’

‘We all saw the same student that went to the toilet like three times during that exam right?!’ – We all know the one…it’s weird to go from a D to an A overnight right? All I can say is very suspicious…

‘Did you see those teachers having a gossip during the exam’ – The myth that teachers don’t have the time for a gossip really is a lie… oh to be a fly on the wall in the staff common room!

‘I looked up made eye contact with my teacher who was reading my paper with a concerned look on their face’ – Uh oh, we’ve all had this once right… very awkward! Teachers can we have your say on this? Do you mean to make the exam experience even worse for us???

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