Meet the Yr 12 Bubble Editors – Emi S
The time has come to finally meet the Year 12 Bubble editors! Here they are in all their glory:
Jamie P
Hey, I’m Jamie – one of the newest and most interesting bubble members – I hope you’re ready for my inevitably incredible journalism…

Amelia G
I’m Amelia and this is my first time writing for the Bubble. I definitely didn’t join to improve my CV, I’m just making the most of opportunities here at RHS…

Daisy C
I was volunteered into yet another responsibility and failed to decline. So here is your highest flyer: Most enthusiastic and competitive- call me Daisy.

Emi S
Irn bru lover. Sigma film connoisseur. Medicore guitarist. Procrastinator extraordinaire. What more could you want in a Bubble editor? I’m Emi and I’m the (actual) highest flyer – I only promise to deliver more frequently than Daisy does due to her oh-so-many ‘responsibilities’.

Zara S
This is Zara, or it would be if she had responded to any of my emails.

Make sure to contact either Mr Hodson or Ms Taylor-Payne if you would like to become more involved with The Bubble!
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