Bachelor Finale – Gen A-Badu
Previously on the Bachlor…
The 5 Bachlorettes met Leo on Wallis Green. Rosy stormed off during their date; Matilda was basically talking to a brick wall; there was no spark between Leo and Rachael; Gabby and Leo turned into tomatoes; and Lucy and Leo reminisced on the past.
Matilda started a rumour preventing me from interviewing the bachelorettes. This caused Rosy and Gabby to fight but luckily for Gabby she had the support of her squad. The first girl to be dumped was Rachael who was very composed, meaning Rosy, Lucy, Gabby, and Matilda survived. However, Rosy refused saying, “she could never defy the Zodiac Gods!” Meaning Leo only had 3 bachelorettes.
The next day the bachelorettes went on dates throughout Holbrook. Matilda and Leo went to Alton water and there was some hand-holding; Leo and Gabby went to the fish and chip van (the chat was so dry); and Leo and Lucy went on a walk and he said “it was quite good”. A mystery bachelorette was introduced as Leo was one girl short. There was a lot of chemistry between the two. I could tell from both of their faces that it was true love…
The Bachelor Continued…

Last week A mystery girl was introduced, but who is she? The mystery girl is… Alysha W
After his final date with the mystery girl, Leo had to decide which of the girls he would like to go on another date with. “This was an easy decision. The first girl I would like to give a rose to is… Alysha!” He also gave a rose to Tilly leaving Lucy and Gabby. “I’m giving this girl a rose as I think there’s a lot of potential here,” He said. “I think she just needed some time to come out of her shell, so the girl I would like to give my final rose to is…Gabby!” Lucy smiled and said it was a fun experience and she’s happy she took part. Leo later told me that she removed him from all socials.
The next day the girls took Leo on dates. The first was Tilly. She got rose petals and sprinkled them on the floor for Leo to sit on. She also got a band of saxophonists together and serenaded him. By the time she had finished, he was in tears. Next was Gabby who took Leo on a romantic picnic. She fed him strawberries covered in chocolate and cocktail sausages. The two actually spoke and sparks were flying. Finally, Alysha took Leo on his last date. They were a true match, like yin and yang. The two went on a simple walk and just spoke and gazed into each other’s eyes, it was truly romantic.
As his dates came to a close, Leo had a final looming decision. The bachelorettes met him on the Dias for the last time to find out which one Leo would pick to start a relationship with. “Thank you all for gathering for the last time. ”He said, “This has been such a special journey and I appreciate all the time you have put in. ” The three girls looked incredibly nervous, they had all made great connections with him. Leo continued, “This has been such a difficult decision but the girl I am going to pick is…Alysha!” Alysha was ecstatic. Gabby and Tilly, on the other hand, were furious. Tilly said, “I did the most, for nothing, what a waste of time!” Gabby lunged at Leo, luckily her squadron was there to hold her back and carry her back house. She screamed the whole way.
With Tilly and Gabby gone, Alysha made one last move. She got down on one knee and proposed. She said, “Leo, my time with you has been short but exciting. I would want nothing more but to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” Leo shuffled awkwardly on the spot whilst turning bright red but replied sheepishly with a yes. I have heard the two are planning to have the wedding the summer after their A-level exams, everyone is invited!
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