The secret signals of a donkey’s ear – L Hauselt
Everybody knows them and everybody loves them – horses. And don’t get me wrong, horses are great, but today I will write about something even better, donkeys.
I have taken care of a donkey for about two years and I can tell you that they are amazing.
Working with donkeys is not always easy, but if you make progress it is very rewarding.
Donkeys have a reputation of being stubborn, lazy or dumb. They may be a bit stubborn but they are definitely not dumb or lazy. If a donkey seems stubborn there is always a good reason for it: either they are in pain, they don’t understand the signals you are giving them or they are scared. Donkeys are often misunderstood and therefore it is important that we know how they are really feeling. They express their emotions in many different ways, but if you want to know how a donkey feels you can see it by looking at the position of his ears.

In conclusion, working with donkeys is not always easy and you often have to convince them that there is nothing to be scared of, but they are naturally calm and intuitive animals. Their steady presence gives a feeling of comfort and security and spending time with them builds up confidence.
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