Personality Types – Gen A-Badu
The classification of personality types has adapted and changed over the years. The first investigation into personality types and their components was conducted in 1947 by Eysenck and was based on biological factors. He suggested personality could be measured over two dimensions: Extroversion / Introversion and Neuroticism / Stability.

Extroversion is one’s engagement with the external world. The more extroverted a person is the more outgoing they are. Neuroticism is one’s tendency to experience negative emotions, such as stress, anxiety, etc. High neuroticism equals emotional instability.
In 1971, Carl Jung proposed four main functions in his book Psychologische Typen. Two perceiving functions (Sensation / Intuition) and two irrational functions (Thinking / Feeling). These are ways humans process information (perceiving functions) and approach work and decision-making (irrational functions). Each function can be expressed in an extroverted/introverted manner. The irrational function is determined by how spontaneous an individual is. Someone who is thorough and highly organised is more likely to be on the ‘thinking’ side of the spectrum.
Mother and daughter, Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers later created a personality questionnaire and table based on Jung’s research. The test attempted to assign the four categories on individuals (E/I, N/S, T/F AND P/J). As each person can only have one of each quality the number of different personality types is 2 to the power of 4, which equals 16 different personality types.
Since then numerous groups have created their own version of the Myers-Briggs questionnaire, the most popular being 16Personalities. The website uses five different personality aspects that, when combined, define the personality type. The 5 aspects are on a two-sided continuum and provide a percentage of how strong one falls under a category.
The five personality aspects are Mind, Energy, Nature, Tactics, and Identity. Mind is how we interact with our surroundings (E/I). Energy determines how we see the world and process information (N/S). Nature is how we make decisions and cope with emotions (T/F). Tactics reflect our approach to work, planning, and decision-making (P/J). Identity, which is a new aspect of personality, shows how confident we are in our abilities and decisions (-A / -T). -A being for assertive and self-assured individuals and -T being for self-conscious and individuals sensitive to stress.

By looking at these alone one should be able to rough guess their own personality type, but for a more accurate assessment, you can go on the 16Personalities website.
Some celebrities and their personality types:
Taylor Swift = ENFP
Kendall Jenner = ESFP
Miley Cyrus = ESTP
Kate Middleton = ISFJ
Meghan Markle = ESTP
Bill Gates = ENTJ
Elon Musk = INTP
Donald Trump = ENTP
Kanye = ISFP
Hitler = INTJ
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