The Bubble’s entertainment guide- Savannah Collis
The third edition of this segment for the bubble brings you a range of great recommendations to watch or read. With a wide variety of suggestions, you should find something for everyone here. As always, if you have any recommendations for a book, tv show or a movie (or all three!) then do get in touch with myself ( or any other member of the bubble team.

The Great Plague:
On the face of it, Chanel 5’s ‘The Great Plague’ might not be the most enticing viewing however this three part historical documentary tracking the 1665 outbreak of Bubonic Plague in London is extremely well researched and presented and includes a fascinating selection of primary evidence. Across three episodes it tracks the epidemiology of the outbreak and makes links to our current situation with Covid. I guarantee that you’ll come away with a new perspective on lice, nits, fleas and the importance of personal hygiene. Rating: 10/10.
-By Mr Corby

100 Humans: Life’s questions. Answered:
Rated 15
This a great watch that I would really recommend whether you’re interested in psychology and science or not. The show takes 100 humans; funnily enough, and runs a series of experiments throughout the episodes, looking at questions such as ‘The best age to be alive’, ‘What makes us attractive?’ or ‘Are you biased?’ and more. The one season show is a funny, interesting and quirky way at educating you and gives some really fascinating results within the episodes. I personally really enjoyed it, it doesn’t require much attention but you end up paying more than you realised. Bubble rating: 9/10.

Stranger Things:
Rated 15
When I was first recommended to watch Stranger Things, I was pretty sceptical, I’m not usually one to watch something that was this action packed and full of mystery! I absolutely ADORE it! it’s a 3-part series (soon to be four) set in the 1980’s in a small, remote town called Hawkins. It involves young teenagers that are suddenly involved with these supernatural creatures, from an area called the “upside down”, taking their normal life to a whole new level! If fiction isn’t for you, than I’d suggest watching something else! There are many plot twists that keep you on the edge of your seat and moments that make you want to laugh, cry and shout in frustration. In some parts, the plot line could be more slow paced; it’s rare to find a relaxing moment by just enjoying dialogue between the characters. Apart from that, the ideas behind the series are so imaginative and thoughtfully put together. It’s safe to say, that without it, my lockdown would be a lot less eventful! Rating: 10/10
-By P.Graham, Year 9

The Queen’s Gambit:
Rated 15
The Queens Gambit is an outstanding 7 part series with stunning visuals throughout. Set in the 1960s it stars Anya Taylor-Joy as Beth Harmon, a young chess prodigy struggling with addiction, and follows her incredible journey from playing her orphanage’s caretaker in the basement to some of the most well respected chess players around the world. Anya Taylor-Joy is absolutely excellent in her role as Beth Harmon, who is portrayed as quite a reserved, yet powerful and confident young woman striving for change in the world of chess. The script covers the storyline well, featuring flashbacks into Harmon’s past whilst leaving spaces for imagination, however all is revealed in the final episode. Directed by Scott Frank, this remarkable drama will have you at the edge of your seat till the very end with its tense and unpredictable scenes. The Queens Gambit is a must watch for everyone as it is fit for a wide audience and covers a range of film genres. Rating: 9/10

-By L.Gardner, Year 12
Flushed Away:
Rated U
This may unlock a few childhood memories among some, this is a fantastic animated classic starring the likes of Hugh Jackman, Kate Winslet and Ian McKellen. This is a true throwback animated film from 2006 and one that I loved as a kid and frankly still love now. I watched it for the first time in a very long time last week and it still made me chuckle. A witty, goofy and wacky film and is perfect for anyone. Bubble rating 10/10.

Over the hedge:
Rated U
This film is a true masterpiece and is a great display of Dreamworks excellence. The storyline is based upon a group of mammals who wake up from hibernation to find their habitat destroyed and replaced by suburban housing, then they must find a way to collect the food that they will need to eat for next years hibernation so begin to steal from the human by the leadership of an opportunistic raccoon. It is full of humour for all ages and is definitely worth the watch. Rating 10/10.
-By M.Cole, Year 12

Ready Player One:
Rated 12
A great movie with a futuristic plot and yet intermingled and littered with 80’s pop culture references, which for someone like me is great as I’m obsessed with all things 80’s. Ready player one is a fantastic Spielberg film following the character of Wade Watts and his avatar Parsival in 2045, where most people lives their lives via virtual reality on a platform called the Oasis. Wade playing via his avatar Parsival is on a quest with his other virtual friends to find the hidden keys left behind by the Oasis owner James Halliday, when all 3 keys are found all the rights (which amount to a lot of money) to the platfrom are given to the player who finds all 3 keys. However, for Parsival and friends its not that simple as a large evil cooperate conglomerate called IOI are doing whatever they can to ensure they win the keys so they can take over the Oasis company. A film I loved watching and love re-watching that I would highly recommend. Bubble rating: 10/10.

The Secret
This is a really good book (which is also on Netflix) particularly for those who are into positive manifestions and affirmations etc. It is on the slightly spiritual side of things, as it talks about the universe and karma etc however I can vouch that everyone I know (including myself) who has tried the manifestations has been successful. The book also has others that follow it such as ‘The secret: Power’ or ‘The secret: Hero’, I enjoyed the first book and am yet to read the rest, (I also watched the version on Netflix) and it was really interesting to read about the way adopting certain attitudes or implementing manifestations can greatly impact a persons life. The story that struck me most was a man who had a vision board when he was younger and didn’t have much and on the board he had a photo of his huge dream house, the board was put away for many years. When he was unpacking boxes with his son, his son was sat on the box with the vision board (which he hadn’t seen for years) in and he got out the board and realised the house he had just moved into was the one he aspired to have all those years ago. Really great if you want to try and improve your life and attitude. Bubble rating 9/10.

Thank you so much to those who gave some recommendations and reviews! Excited to see what else people have to recommend!
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