Charlotte Stenning’s Independent Manifesto
We, the independent party of RHS believe that girls should have the right to have their hair down in the school day. If your hair falls beneath your shoulders, you should wear it half up half down to stay smart. This would mean girls can express themselves more.
We also think that we all need time to rest in the school day. We would implement sleeping pods into the library that could be used for a quick nap in the day.
We would also put vending machines throughout the school in recompense for the loss of the caf. Vending machines do not need any supervision, they are easy to use and they are practical in the fast school life at this school.
We also think that year 10’s should be able to go to the co-op on Sundays. Boarders are not allowed to do this, even though other responsibilities are increased they cannot walk to and from the co-op. We should trust our year 10’s to take more responsibility.
Prep would also be limited to three hours a week, rather than the current eight hours. This would provide us all with more free time to spend socialising or doing things we love, this would improve everyone’s overall well-being.
When it’s lovely and sunny, we think that on Fridays, we should be allowed to take our lunch outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. In the summer term, this nice weather is short lived in a place like England, so we need to make the most of it when it comes.
We would also support whole-heartedly LGBT rights in this school. We believe that everyone should be treated equally, no matter what they class themselves as.
In a more general statement, we would ensure that the a simplae tax system was enforced in which there is a standard rate. This would mean the more you earn, the more you pay in tax and all loop holes would be destroyed. That would provide more money to be spent on important thing such as the NHS.
The NHS is currently struggling. To combat this we would ensure that high-earners must take out health insurance. They would still have access to the emergency services the NHS provides, but larger health issues would be handled privately.
We would also make sure that there is no chapel on Sundays. We all go to chapel four mornings each week, so this extra service on Sunday is not of extreme importance. Also, day pupils do not attend meaning there is only two thirds of the school present.
For a better future for us all, vote independent party.
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