The long-awaited return of staff through the keyhole- Bella P
After being recruited to the bubble a few weeks ago in a desperate attempt for some new content I was left wondering what perks came with the role. Following some deep diving of old articles, I found the idea of being able to peek inside the teachers houses without being viewed as nosy quite appealing (alongside the limited effort required to comment on a set of photos every week as opposed to searching for new and engaging content to write about!). So, although the title may be… slightly misleading as after questioning a few of my peers I appeared to be the only one who used to be hooked on this series and in fact who even knew it existed… but I’m hoping that this brand new and exciting chapter of RHS Through the Keyhole will hook at least a few of you reading, or at least be exciting enough for you to click on even if you don’t end up actually reading any of it.
Before the article begins I thought I’d include a quick crash course on how Staff Through The Keyhole works for those of you who are unfamiliar, in the article there are a selection of pictures taken inside a member of staff’s house. Generally the pictures give more obvious hints the further down you scroll and by the end (or before) you should be able to guess who the teacher is.
So without further ado here are this weeks pictures, can you guess the teacher…

Which teacher’s never caught without an Emma Bridgewater mug.. or two in hand or at least on their desk? If this hint wasn’t enough for you to possibly fathom who this teacher could be there may also be a few hidden clues in the picture for the eagle eyed of you or arguably more importantly, those of you who can zoom in on an image without causing your surface to have an existential crisis.

This image definitely features some stylish lounge decor (or at least in my opinion it does) and of course there are a few hints strategically placed around the room, including a few familiar white boxes tucked away on the side of the table but not quite hidden from view, which teacher is the proud owner (or at least the purchaser) of an apple ecosystem?

This photo doesn’t give much away other than the (hopefully) obvious presence of the mystery teacher’s cat (one of many of RHS’s feline friends) and a questionably helpful hint at the location of the house on the peninsula (nearish the clock tower?) , alongside a more subtle but already featured object (perhaps linked to this mystery teacher’s mysterious past…)

A final picture which hopefully makes this teachers identity a little more obvious than the rest which includes multiple clues; from the mystery teachers favourite teaching attire (from a brand I’m sure you’ll be aware of if you’ve been lucky enough to be taught by them), to another family pet peeking through the corner of the pic, a recognisable face for some?
Stay tuned for next weeks article to find out if you’re destined to be the next Sherlock Holmes or if instead you should definitely start paying attention in your Friday p5 lesson instead of aimlessly scrolling through bubble articles or perhaps both… and if your feeling especially confident share your guesses in the comments below!!
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