What to Expect When Inspecting – Estelle L
As the long-dreaded week of inspection comes to a close, teachers all along the peninsula let out a sigh of relief. Soon, we can all return to normality at RHS – for some members of staff this may mean an exponential increase in behaviour concerns handed out, or perhaps more regular coffee refills from the staff room. However, while the inspection has concluded (for now…), how did this week begin with the prospect looming, and what are the tell-tale symptoms as an inspection dawns…
- The Beginning
It all begins with the subtle references from teachers during lessons; the impending doom of the inspection results in the phrase of what you can and cannot do “during inspection week” being whispered left, right, and centre. Usually, this is when a teachers patience has been exhausted. My favourite example from this year is one member of staff (jokingly!) despairing that there is a limit to the number of students they can banish to Mr Dixon’s prison this week.
2. It’s Official!
Then comes the email, and that while you should be completely honest, there is an implication to just behave! Requests are made by teachers planning their most exciting and academically provoking lessons for engagement, interest, and for students not to “act like statues” in front of inspectors. This particular term was coined by Mr Roe, who has been banished to the annexe for the sake of being kept away from the inspectors as one source – an English teacher who claims to be his friend! – informed me.
3. The Meeting
Of course, once you have been summoned to a meeting with the inspectors, you know that you’re in the thick of it. While I was not chosen for this, my sources have said that the meetings were relaxed, the inspectors seemed interested and in no way did attempt to influence answers. One interviewee even “had biscuits… and laughed a bit”. Sounds a dream! However, for some, it was sprung upon them to present their best work – a task they were unprepared for. So, please note for future inspections, if you are ever summoned, just be prepared.
4. Caught in the Act
Then, there is the chance an inspector does spring into your lesson, and caught by the element of surprise you wrack your brains to remember what it was your teacher just asked you. While the inspectors themselves seem to blend into the walls at the back of the classroom, you are still acutely aware of their presence. And then, they leave and the classroom has those few moments of stillness before laughter and chatter erupts.
Finally, we get to today! The inspectors have gone, and the whole ordeal is over – almost. We are still waiting on the results, confirmation of whether our lengths to display the values RHS embodies everyday in lessons, the corridors, on the sports field were worthwhile. Which, I’m sure they will be, and as soon as we discover these results, we can all await the next time our school is excitingly infiltrated by inspectors.
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