An Interview with the Headmaster- Bella P:
What’s your favourite hymn?
As I’m sure many of you have been eagerly waiting to find out, Tell Out My Soul is Mr Latif’s favourite ‘banger’ I’ll let you all decide your own opinion on this choice..
What’s your favourite school meal?
Mr Latif’s tray at breakfast is never without a bowl of Dave’s porridge, fuelling him for a productive day ahead. You heard it here first, Dave’s porridge is the new Weetabix. Obviously there must be a shoutout to the amazing kitchen staff for all their work behind the scenes.
What’s your favourite area of the school site?
Although the whole school is stunning thanks to the hard work of the grounds staff, it would have to be the view from the headmaster’s study. It’s calm and serene but there’s also something new to appreciate everyday as the trees change.

What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced so far?
Despite the many challenges faced with becoming headmaster of such a unique school unfortunately the biggest for Mr Latif was getting into a wetsuit during Year 7 sailing week. Even in the face of some of Suffolk’s finest overcast weather all the sailing staff helped make this a fantastic event and hopefully will have some new recruits for the sailing team.
If you could swap roles with any teacher who would it be and why?
Despite being a chemist at heart it’s Miss Nicholls’ classes that have caught the attention of Mr Latif. During his learning walks around the school, he’s been inspired by the engagement of everyone in her lessons and her motivation and energy in the classroom.
What hobbies do you have?
Now to get to know a bit more about the new headmaster outside of RHS. Last year he entered the ballot for the London Marathon after seeing it on social media and won (let this serve as a warning for anyone thinking of entering through the ballot yes there’s a chance you might actually win). He completed it and was even back at school the next day. As if the 26 miles wasn’t far enough he has also climbed Everest with a group of students from his previous school (so for those of you in year 9, when you do your bronze D of E think twice before complaining too loudly about how far you’ve walked!). Outside of his intrepid adventures Mr Latif can also be found in the swimming pool or on the dance floor ballroom dancing (watch out Mr Corby you may have a new competitor on the horizon) or simply enjoying spending time with friends and family.
What has been your favourite part of your first few weeks:
Meeting and getting to know pupils, staff and parents has been a highlight, the RHS community has been so welcoming, friendly and generous with their time.
What’s your biggest piece of advice to new pupils/staff?
Have fun.
You’ll have the memories you make at school forever and so throw yourself into every aspect from sports to music to art. As the classic RHS message goes; seize every opportunity you can!
What would you change about the school?
With the schools rich heritage the traditions are something to be conserved and appreciated however the school needs to remain relevant to the needs and learning styles of 21st century learners. It’s important that the school provides pupils with the skills necessary for the jobs of the future specifically within the four C’s; collaboration, critical thinking, communication and creativity.
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