Statues and … Fire?- Molly N
On Tuesday 12th December, Mrs Kemsley and Mr Johnson took the yr11 and yr12 classicists on a trip to the British Museum. For most, the day began with a quick minibus journey to Manningtree Station, but for me and a few others, we enjoyed a lie-in and met them at the station. After a slight panic as I arrived with under 5 minutes to spare, we boarded the train to London Liverpool Street. We then took a very busy and cramped tube to Tottenham Court Road, had a short walk, and finally arrived at the British Museum.

As yr12s, we were given full responsibility to wander around the museum unsupervised- definitely one of the best sixth form privileges! We had some practice for our DofE expedition while trekking up the stairs, and spent far too long trying to find two specific coins in a room full of money.
On our way to find more items to tick off of our checklist, an alarm sounded through the room. At first, I thought perhaps we might see someone legging it past us with an artifact in their hands. However, an announcement informed us that it was the fire alarm and that we must evacuate the area. Luckily for us, RHS has given us plenty of practice so we acted like pros. I presume it was a false alarm as we heard nothing else after that.
After a quick message to Mrs Kemsley through the Chaperone app (it’s more useful than you may think!), we decided to calm our nerves by getting some much hyped pizza. Tilly took charge and led us to the pizzeria, and we enjoyed a very long lunch break. I can vouch and say that the pizza is as good as people said, would definitely recommend!

We continued to wander around, occasionally running into the yr11s and recreating some poses of statues. Before we left, Mr Johnson showed us his favourite (non-classics) room in the whole museum: the clock room. The highlight of this room was a clock that involved a marble moving from one side to the other, of which looked as if it was in a race against time- quite literally.
We joined up with everyone else and headed back to London Liverpool Street Station, had a quick stop in Starbucks, then went back to Manningtree. 10/10 trip!
Thank you to Mrs Kemsley and Mr Johnson for coordinating the trip
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