Meet the Cast: Jesus Christ Superstar – Daisy C
So 2 nights down and 2 to go…
I cannot put into words how incredible, emotional and exhausting these performances have been – not the best when trying to do your A-levels but 100% worth the struggles. If you have already watched the show, watch it again and if you did not understand what was going on at all, this article should help you out for your next or first viewing!
Though this article is focused on the main cast, there has been a huge and very dedicated extended cast this year, with over 50 actors from ages 11-18. There has also been an amazing band of musicians who have worked incredibly well every night so far. Not only this but the quality of the costumes, of the lighting and of the stage deserve thorough appreciation as we would not be able to perform at all without the help of numerous staff and the back stage crew. I mean, the photos show the immense setting that us actors have been surrounded with!

Main Points of Confusion
- Mary is Jesus’ lover NOT HIS MOTHER. Her full name is Mary Magdalene and though she comes to embody Christian devotion to Christ as she falls in love with him and serves his every call, she was allegedly a former prostitute. She was also the first person to see the resurrected Jesus.
- Judas does indeed commit suicide during the play.
- Both Herod’s song and the famous ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ song are almost imaginary- their function is to mock Jesus and add to the fun of the musical but they are not real events – so when Judas sings in this song, he has not been resurrected.
- READ one of (Mark: 15), (Luke 23) or (John 19) if you are unaware of the story of Jesus’ crucifixion.
Oli – Jesus

‘I somehow play Jesus. You know, the son of God and all? I pretty much spend the entire play ruining peoples fun and generally being a downer. That being said, Jesus is a brilliant character to play and its not every day you get the chance to be covered in blood and crucified, even if it involves a few mugs.’
Emi – Judas (one of Jesus’ disciples and the anti-hero of the show)

‘I am Judas – no seriously, the outfits, the hair; I’ve been told its all very me. Maybe it goes without saying then that Judas is the best character that I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing. The musical brings some dimension to Judas’ act of betrayal; maybe it’s not as black and white as you think…’
Daisy – Mary Magdalene ( one of Jesus’ followers and allegedly his lover)

‘I play Mary – a character who cares deeply for Jesus and over the course of the play, discovers her intense love for him. Though she tries to remain calm so that she can soothe Jesus’s fears, her passion overcomes this and she struggles when faced with Jesus’ crucifixion. A hard character to play, due to the intensity and array of her emotional state, Mary has been a happy challange of a part!’
Sean – Pontius Pilate (the 5th Roman governor of Judea who ultimately ordered Jesus’ crucifixion)

‘I play Pilate. I spend most of the show trying to avoid killing Jesus yet eventually fall victim to peer pressure and organise his crucifixion. Pilate’s appearances on stage are scattered but each time I lose the plot.’
Georgie – Annas (the Jewish High Priest that Jesus was brought to when he was arrested)

‘I play Annas. He spends most of the show trying to kill Jesus by peer pressuring Pilate and feel fulfilled when he is finally killed- what a sad life! At least the makeup is on point. I loved trying to get into the head of annas when playing him and all I can think is that the platform boots must be compensating for something. You would not believe he was a man of God. 10/10 guy though…’
Ginny – Caiaphas (Annas’ father-in-law and the ruling High Priest of the time who plotted to kill Jesus)

‘I play probably the most angry character in the play. Caiaphas is a ferocious priest with every intent on killing the cult leader otherwise known as Jesus. Though this role was initially out of my comfort zone, it has been so fun to embody.’
Ben – Kind Herod (King of Judea – despised the extent of Jesus’ power)
‘As Herod, I have one of the most exiting songs in the show. A character with pizzazz, I have great fun and mess around with Oli B, causing as much annoyance as possible. It is a very enjoyable role to play, especially with numerous fans asking for pictures after shows and my Las Vegas Show Girls behind me!’
Simon – Amelia (One of Jesus’ disciples)

‘I play Simon Probably the happiest guy on stage – the most loyal apostle of all whose entire life seems to revolve around Jesus – Simon has been a joy to play and a very exiting experience, I just love pushing Jesus around the stage to sow him how cool he is!’
Johnathan – Peter (One of Jesus’ disciples)

‘Another apostle, I play Jesus’ bestie – well ex-bestie as Peter later denies that he knows Jesus. It is interesting to play him as I portray all emotions.’
If you want to know, see and experience more, come and watch tonight or tomorrow night!
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