Venezuela food crisis – Zara S
The inflation crisis that has plagued the country, beginning in 2016 due to the government printing more money to pay its debt due to oil prices, reduced the incomes of Venezuelans of all classes, leaving them unable to purchase essential goods such as food, medicine and clothing.
Following years of hyper inflation, hunger is a familiar feeling to many in the country, leaving them to hunt through waste and rubbish in order to find the remains of a meal. Relaxation of intensive currency control by Maduro, the president of venezuela, after nearly four years, along with the implementation of new economic policies such as reductions in public spending and increased taxation, temporarily decreasing inflation. However following the effects of the pandemic, venezuelas inflation levels once again sky rocketed due to the growing demand for dollars, and in comparison the weakening of the Bolivar (Venezuelan currency), and an increase in government spending, resulting in an inflation of over 300%.

Due to the high price levels as a result of inflation many are unable to purchase food and basic necessities, resulting in excess supply and a large portion of the population dependant on charities or otherwise not eating. Over half of Venezuelans live in extreme poverty, with 41% of those skipping atleast one meal a day, resulting in malnutrition, starvation, lack of hygiene, and the spread of disease and despair.
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