Coursework moan – Izzy S

Coursework moan – Izzy S

Coursework, NEA what ever you’d like to call it. It’s fair to say it was something we thought would be easier than the actual exam, we were WRONG! After a few restless nights and a few… redrafts we all got there in the end. Here are some of Year 13’s common coursework moans.

‘Refrencing 😟’ – Our advice don’t leave it to the last minute and reference as you go!

‘OH MYYYY GOSHHHH coursework really humbles you if you think really like something think again’ 

‘Justify, 12 font, times new roman and 1.5 line spaces :/’

‘All the research, the constant needing to balance the bullet point’s was a nightmare’

‘Procrastiation, the deadline wasn’t for a couple of months and yet I still left it all to the last minute’ – Yikes, advice to all of you young ones, get the work done early, it will keep you from stress and the crippling fear of failure.

‘The word count was far too low, I have soared over both by at least 500 words. Please make word counts higher on all coursework from now on for all subjects please and thankyou very much !’ – in tune with the views of our fav student book writer

‘6 weeks to do a small essay should be *bleep* easy but not when all of teacher’s marking just says “phr” (phrasing issue). – note to younger years again make sure you proofread ur work before hand and make it more concise.

DISCLAIMER: We all actually did enjoy our coursework in the end even after all the blood, sweat and tears shed. Just make it easier for yourselves, seek teacher help and most importantly make sure its legible!