‘Breast Friends’ – Yeknaz T
This article is written in honour of Briony Jenkins.

Today I wanted to shine light on the importance of breast cancer awareness and most importantly the exceptional efforts of eight year 13 students who have managed great things towards raising awareness for a majorly important and global issue. Lucie J, Edvania C, Amirah K, Faith D, Yeknaz T, Saskia A, Emma C and Hermione MC have been working tiresomely in organising a truly wonderful and heart warming project to support breast cancer awareness.
We have spent the last couple of weeks proudly raising donations and awareness regarding Breast cancer in memory of Briony Jenkins, who sadly lost her long fight battle at the age of 51 to the disease in 2016. In addition to raising money for the Pink Ribbon Foundation we have organised a charity coffee morning on November 27th in felixstowe 10-1pm to also support the cause further we hope to see you all there enjoying lots of delicious cake.

I’m sure you have seen students and staff rock their pink ribbons around school and its all for a great cause. The ribbons are being sold in return for donations towards the Pink Ribbon Foundation, this charity is a grant-making trust with a mission to fund projects and provide financial support to UK charities, which relieve the needs of people who are suffering from, have been affected by breast cancer, or who work to advance the understanding of breast cancer and its early detection and treatment.
Unfortunately this disease, knows no boundaries, knows no borders. It’s blind to race, socioeconomic status, age and gender. Women may be prone to the disease however Men can also suffer from the brutality of the disease about 350 men are diagnosed each year in the UK and we equally recognise their suffering. All in all, nearly 150,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and more than 40,000 women will, sadly, succumb to the disease and thats why we recognise the importance and validity in helping those who are fighting and have fought their battle against breast cancer.
Witnessing our loved ones suffer is a pain that cannot be accurately described, and that’s why we are doing all we can to help those that are desperately in need of our kindness and encouragement. We hope to honour Breast Cancer Awareness and to show our solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of women battling breast cancer now and celebrate the more than 2 1/2 million women who are breast cancer survivors.
We appreciate all your efforts in helping us raise money. Once again the RHS community brought smile’s to our faces and tears to eyes with your constant support and enthusiasm in helping being a part of something that truly and dearly lies so close to our hearts.
If you would like to donate here is the link, even the smallest donation makes a difference and we truly appreciate it.
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