Sixth Form Bachelor – Gen A-Badu
The Bachelor Continued…
As her dates came to a close Emily had a final looming decision. The bachelors met her on the Dais for the final time to find out which one she would pick to start a relationship with. Before Emily made her decision, I caught up with the boys for a quick chit-chat. Bertie said, “It would be fun to win, but whatever happens, happens.” Sam was really giddy and smiley whilst Angus was adamant that he would win. He said, “ I plaited her hair, so I know I’ve got this in the bag!”
“Thank you all for meeting me, some of you for the last time.” Emily said, “This has been a long process but I’ve made some friends and really enjoyed it all.” The boys stood, putting on brave faces. Emily continued, “This has been a hard decision, but I’m confident in my verdict. I see a great future with this boy and I think we’re endgame. The boy I am going to pick is… Sam!”
Later I caught up with the boys. Angus was fuming. He shouted, “I’ll never braid anyone’s hair ever again! I think it would be reasonable to cut off all of her hair!” Bertie was unbothered; he didn’t really have much to say, and Sam was overjoyed and couldn’t stop smiling.

This week’s Bachelor is Leo C!
He describes himself as a shy boy who needs someone to open him up. His friends describe him as a man-baby and slightly obsessed with football.

He’s looking for someone who will make him happy, but never as happy as his mum makes him.
But are any of the following bachelorettes going to meet his requirements?

Bachelorette number 1 is Rosy F. She takes Latin, Psychology, and Biology and wants to be an astrologist. Her type is a feminist and when asked about Leo she said, “I’ve known of him for years, but I don’t really know him and I would like to.”
Star sign : Aries

Bachelorette number 2 is Matilda G. She takes English Literature, Psychology, and DT. Her type is a boy who is practical and when asked about Leo she said, “I don’t really talk to him but he seems nice and he’s got good hands .”
Star sign : Aquarius

Bachelorette number 3 is Rachael I. She takes Chemistry, Biology, and Maths and wants to be a biochemist. Her type is younger boys. When asked about Leo she said, “We are good friends, nothing more.”
Star sign : Virgo

Bachelorette number 4 is Gabriella P-C. She takes Art, Psychology, and Business. She wants to be a fashion designer and her type is anyone who plays rugby. When asked about Leo she said, “Football is a wimpy sport, so I don’t think so.”
Star sign : Leo

Bachelor number 4 is Lucy G. She takes Chemistry, Biology, and Psychology and wants to be a doctor when she is older. Her type is tall guys with fluffy brown hair. When asked about Leo she said, “I will never forget how he used to eat cold sweetcorn straight out of the can in Drake.”
Star sign : Scorpio
On Monday each bachelorette met Leo on Wallis green. Rosy was first and was very chatty. She started by giving Leo a palm reading and predicting their future, followed by a detailed astrology chart to show their compatibility. They were not compatible AT ALL; Rosy could not control her anger and ran off in a fit, blaming her behaviour on her star sign. Tilly was really talkative, yet, all Leo could do was nod his head, but that’s no different from what he does all the time. Before meeting Leo, Rachael headed to the Co-op to get ‘supplies’ so that she was ready for every possible outcome. Unfortunately, all her efforts were wasted as it was abundantly clear there was no spark. Gabby was incredibly shy and didn’t say a word. The two sat there and got redder by the second. I had to intervene and tell Gabby to go back house, it was way too awkward. Lastly was Lucy, the pair spent their time reminiscing on the past and talking about the ‘good old days’. The two shared lots of laughs over stories, the highlights being about Tom W and the foil incident and anything Dylan C related.
The next day I tried to catch the girls for a debrief but ended up in the middle of a fight between Rosy and Gabby. Rosy accused Gabby of stealing ‘her mans’ and claimed “That’s so typical of a Leo!” Gabby and her squad were so mad they started shrieking and running up and down the corridor. The boarders were not impressed. I spoke to the other three bachelorettes who were spectating. Lucy and Rachael said their dates were ‘okay’ and ‘fun or whatever’, respectively. Matilda, however, confessed to stirring the pot between Gabby and Rosy. Her reasoning was “You’ve got to disturb the chicken so it doesn’t lay eggs in your basket.” I’m not 100% sure what that means but she seemed pretty pleased with herself so ‘get it I guess’, Matilda.
Later that day Leo had to make his first decision, who would he give his 4 roses to. The 5 bachelorettes lined up on the Dias, Gabby, and Rosy on opposite ends. Tilly stood in the middle rubbing her hands together like a cartoon villain. Leo broke the silence by saying, “Thank you all for coming, it was a mixed batch of dates but I’ve finally come to a conclusion. The first girl to receive a rose is…Lucy!” Leo also picked Gabby and Tilly, leaving Rosy and Rachael to await their fate. “This was a surprisingly difficult decision.” He said, “But the final girl I would like to take on a date is…Rosy!” Rachael smiled and was very composed. Rosy on the other hand was furious. She refused to accept his decision. “I told you on our date we weren’t compatible. I can’t disobey the zodiac gods!” She shouted. There was confusion in the air, on-lookers didn’t know what to say, Leo didn’t know what to do. Since Rachael had been dropped and Rosy had refused it meant Leo only had 3 bachelorettes.
On Wednesday, Leo started his dates with Tilly. They went on a walk to Alton water and there was a sneaky bit of hand-holding. Gabby was next, the two decided to go on a walk down to the fish and chip van. The chat was dead and the awkwardness was over-bearing. I asked Gabby how she thought it was going and she replied with, “I’ve got him on the ropes, just where I want him.” The last to go on her date was Lucy. The pair went on a walk and bumped into couples from all years (but that’s not surprising as it’s the summer term). Leo said they had a ‘deep chat about life and stuff’ and that it was overall quite good.
Since Leo was one girl short I decided to introduce a mystery bachelorette. This girl takes Psychology, Spanish, and Music tech and is looking for anyone. Leo was instructed to come to Howe and wait outside, he had no idea he was meeting a new person. As she opened the door his mouth dropped.
The two decided to sit by a tree at the bottom of the fields. There was A LOT of chemistry and flirting, so much so people walking by had to pretend to go on their phone to avoid the cringiness. I could tell from the look on both their faces that this was love, true love…
Stayed tuned next week to find out who the mystery girl is, who Leo picks, AND who the new Bachelorette will be along with the five single bachelors who are willing to do anything to get with her!
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