The Bubble’s entertainment guide- Savannah Collis

A new lockdown special has arrived to the bubble; this is a new segment that gives you the opportunity to find out whether the new series you heard about is worth the watch or whether that book you were recommended is actually any good. This is the Bubble’s lockdown TV/book/film recommendations and reviews. This is a weekly segment that encourages your insight too! I hope that you have at least one new film, book or series to get into that won’t interfere with your prep! If you have any recommendations/reviews to offer contact me, or one of the editors, as we’d love to feature it!
Psychology Related:
Derren Brown’s: The Push
Rated 15
This was a Netflix documentary given to my psychology class recently. It is an encapsulating watch and makes you rethink the way you live your life according to others which will leave you on the edge of your seat or biting your nails. An eye-opening piece that takes a look at conformity and what the manipulation of this can make people do. Bubble rating: 9/10

Three Identical Strangers
Rated 12
A really interesting watch, it is a shocking and fascinating documentary following the story of; Eddy, David and Robert, the triplets who unknowingly were part of a psychology experiment. A real insight into the ethical issues that are entailed with psychology. Bubble rating: 9/10

Mrs Doubtfire:
Rated 12
The 1990 classic is a comedic must-watch if you haven’t already seen it. Robin Williams plays the role of a dad who will do absolutely anything to see his children in spite of his divorce. A funny and heart-warming classic to watch with anyone. Bubble rating: 9/10Â

Jumanji (The original!)
Rated PG
Another classic starring Robin Williams, the original 1995 version of Jumanji is an exciting and comedic throwback film which would be perfect to watch on the weekend, particularly with your new found free time on a Saturday. A fun watch especially with the family. Bubble rating: 10/10

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Rated 12A
A hilarious 80’s classic starring Matthew Broderick who pulls off the best skiving stunt in history. With many close calls, it’s an enthusing comedy which should be on your movie bucket list. A personal favourite, so my review is a little bias. Bubble rating 10/10

The Circle US
Rated 15
If you’ve watched the UK Channel 4 version, you’ll know what this is about. It’s like Big Brother meets MTV’s Catfish. An entertaining reality show which emphasises the saying ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’. A fun show to watch, amusing to see the contestants decipher who the catfishes are among them. Bubble rating 10/10Â

Rated 15
With it’s 5th season coming out on Thursday (yesterday, by the time you read this.), Riverdale is a show that has many mixed opinions. The show fluctuates in how good it is with some parts being really gripping and others (such as the musical episodes) not being particularly good. Most likely more appealing to the younger end of the school however I know that a wide range of ages enjoy it such as myself. Overall a good watch. Bubble rating 8/10

Grey’s Anatomy
Rated 15
I absolutely love this series; all 16 seasons are definitely worth watching and each one has so many different twists and plots. It will have you laughing and crying throughout. If you don’t like the sight of blood I probably wouldn’t recommend though! Rating: 10/10
By A.Martin, Year 12.

The Harry Potter series
When the Harry Potter franchise pops to mind you may instantly think of Draco Malfoy being all over your ‘for you page’ on TikTok but The Harry Potter books are so much better than the movies. You get a true insight of what Hogwarts feels like which the movies don’t capture. Not only this but the movies miss a great deal out from the books which makes them all the more intriguing to read. This is such an enjoyable and easy read for those who are a fan and for those who are trying to get back into reading as a New Year’s resolution. Rating: 10/10
-By K.Clark, Year 12.

The Percy Jackson series
PThe first time I read the Percy Jackson series was probably 7 years ago and I still remember nearly every detail! The books tell the story of a 12-year-old boy who finds out he is the son of the Greek god Poseidon and travels to Camp Half-blood, where he finds many other children who are descendants of various other Greek gods. However, Percy is the only child of the big three, Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, which puts him in tremendous danger as he is the suspect in the theft of one of Zeus’ lightning bolts.
The next five books follow Percy’s journey through this new universe as he tries to save the normal world from being overtaken by another ancient deity (you will have to find out who by reading the books). His journeys are filled with adventure, mythological creatures and people (and monsters) who want to kill him, there is never a moment that will not keep your attention. Along these adventures, Percy meets many well developed characters, such as Annabeth and Thalia Grace, as well as making many sacrifices that no 12 to 16 year old should have to make. You will not be able to put these books down once you start reading them! I would recommend these books to those who love fantasy fiction, especially if you have an interest in ancient Greece. After all, these books inspired me to take Latin at GCSE and it is now the subject that I want to study at university!
I would also recommend the graphic novel series for those who are interested in the stories but prefer image central books. They are amazingly illustrated and pack in as much detail as the original series. In addition, I also recommend the sequel series The Heroes of Olympus which is a more mature read as it follows 7 heroes, Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Frank, Piper, Hazel and Jason, as they try to unite and save the Greek and roman worlds from the havoc caused by Gaia, mother earth. I have never enjoyed a series more than I did the Heroes of Olympus series as it shares the same humour as the Percy Jackson series but also with more sacrifice and danger. Rating: 10/10
-By R.Fitch, Year 12.

Thanks to all those who gave some recommendations! We look forward to hearing some more!
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