Grumpy? Me?! – Mr Gutierrez
So, a couple of weeks ago, Mr Hodson emailed us saying he was looking for staff rants for The Bubble. And then he says: “you have been chosen!” Then he says: “if you feel you can help with this, send your rant across. It shouldn’t take long if you’re sufficiently grumpy.” [ed. RANT: a random series of aggressive outbursts].
And then I thought: “Am I grumpy?” Well, it turns out I am. I am grumpy, because I wish I could do more to help the environment. I wish I could do more to save the planet. I wish I could do more to educate you all to make a difference in our school, at the very least in our school.

I spend hours online looking for ways to reduce my carbon footprint.
I fastidiously switch off every single light at home.
I recycle every bit of plastic I can find at home. And let me tell you there isn’t a bit of plastic at home left: not a single plastic bag, barely any plastic containers – I use old jars instead.
I give money to charity.
I buy “Four Oceans” bracelets in the hope that I’m taking some plastic out of the seas.
I’m desperately waiting for the new electric Mini convertible to be created so I can buy myself one of those.
I use Ecosia every day as a search engine and yet, I am still grumpy.
I have switched my energy supplier to 100% renewable energy.
I use “Who Gives A Crap” recycled toilet paper that builds toilets for those who need them.
I use biodegrable poo bags for the dogs.
I use microfibre e-cloths and vinegar to clean and have banished cleaning products from the house.
I use bars of soap and not shower gel in plastic containers.
I use seagrass soapsocks instead of plastic scrunches in the shower.
I use washing powder from cardboard boxes and Persil in plastic containers.
I have bought a bamboo cutlery drawer and toilet brush to dodge the plastic.
I get meal kits delivered to avoid food waste.
I have the milkman deliver milk in glass bottles.
I am grumpy because no matter how much I do, I still feel that I haven’t done enough. And the responsibility should all be mine no matter how much I showboat how green my lifestyle is. And last week, the 2020 Youth Climate Summit took place and I didn’t get a chance to bore you all to death about green issues. But I will do – I know where you live.
If being grumpy is being desperately concerned about the world we are leaving behind for all of you to enjoy (if you can call that “enjoy”) then I am super grumpy. And I’m grumpy because I see that it’s not just me. I wish I could make all of the staff more eco-friendly. And I wish I could make the whole of the school more eco-friendly.
So yes, I am grumpy.
Actually, I’m eco-grumpy. There, I said it.
And I hope you will join me in being eco-grumpy, too.
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