6 Types of Six Former – Giles Lennox
I would like to stress that each of these types are not aimed at anybody specifically, more on general trends I have observed in the 6th form.
Sixth formers, a mystical breed of human. Parents struggle to understand or even communicate with them and younger pupils view them as terrifying reminders of the inevitable truth of growing up! In this small article, I aim to outline 6 types of sixth former within RHS to give you an insight into life as a pupil in Y12 or Y13 at this school.
- The ‘Work Horse’: These are pupils absolutely committed to their studies. The library becomes their new home in their final years at RHS. Whilst other commitments are not sacrificed, their undoubted focus is their work and are always the most successful on results day.
- The ‘Free time is a myth’ student: This is a student that is busy every waking hour. Whether that be having to go to a guard or choir rehearsal, CCF or at some sort of clinic, they are never in house. They are also the ones that support the ‘chainmail’ of badges for a variety of co – curricular activities (a deep hatred of Mr Dixon), but truly embody the ethos that prefects stress every week of engaging with everything has to offer.
- The ‘Gym is life’ student: A sixth former that excels within one or more sport. Consequently, they are indoctrinated into Mr Sayer’s illustrious TPG programme. After school and Saturday afternoons, they are off representing the school in rugby, hockey, netball and other sports. If you need their help with a project -often due in the next few days-, your safest bet is to first look in the gym, trying to outlift each other and swigging protein shakes.
- The ‘Procrastinator’: This is a very relatable type of pupil for many people. They are the ones that forget to do their prep till the day, night or sometimes lesson before it is due. You know who you are! Miraculously, every time without fail, they somehow manage to complete the work, hand it in and then get more marks than the person who completed it when it was set! THIS IS 100% NOT FROM PERSONAL EXPERIENCE!
- The ‘Prefect’: Students that have been given a position either within house or school. Around the campus, they act as the policemen, telling others to tie up their hair, tuck in their shirts or do up their top button. They enjoy some of the benefits of this position whether it be the prestigious white and gold badges or cake every Wednesday stand easy but seem to be hated by certain school related meme pages.
- The ‘CCF Fanatic’: A pupil quite unique to RHS. They are the ones whose uniform is always immaculate with shoes polished so much they are essentially mirrors. Every Friday afternoon, they rush out to the Dias to begin training. About 1 hour later, they enter house either covered in mud or clutching a multitude of papers with various pieces of information. If you are friends with them, make no plans for the first few weeks of almost every holiday because they will undoubtably be running around a forest somewhere on FIST or Summer Camp.

Merry Christmas!
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