The best and worst of Nelson – Esme Peters
As to achieve a non bias and balanced view of Nelson, I asked 10 sixth formers what they deemed to be their favourite bit of Nelson and their least favourite thing. I feel it would be unfair to spew out Nelson propaganda because that would be like telling people ‘Yes RHS is fantastic!!’, without adding on the end, ‘needs a new astro turf though’. I personally have very little negative to say about Nelson and I have no doubt the answers I get will reflect that, however in the interest of balance I am going to ask for both the good the bad and the ugly.
Talan Hogan
Best – Matron
Worst – walking up like 3 (+ a few more) flights of stairs every day.
Giles Lennox
Best – everyone being in one house, as it allows me to engage with more people in our year.
Worst – no table tennis after prep
Bethany Mbugua
Best – the pool table
Worst – Smells on the day pupil corridor.
Nick Males
Best – you’re with everyone else.
Worst – you’re with everyone else.
Seb Del Hoyo
Best – everyone coming together, life is very flexible
Worst – Breakfast and back is basically the ultra-mini marathon course.
Katie Pugh
Best – that we’re all together
Worst – Some people are more studious than others.
Thea Chavasse
Best – Nelson night most Saturdays, the bar (would like more often), likes being with people all the time.
Worst – TRYING to be a champion at pool stops you from doing work, it smells like “boy” in like half the house.
Sophie Pasco
Best – being the best at table tennis.
Worst – my corridor’s kettle never works.
Basson Du Toit
Best – all being together
Worst – losing to Sophie at table tennis and Thea at pool.
Alex Jackson
Best – the parties/balls/nelson nights – favourite so far Trafalgar night, but I have high hopes for Burns.
Worst – Most new drivers inability to park.
After reading this you may be thinking that Nelson sounds suspiciously like minimal work and a lot of pool and/or table tennis. Depending on the reader you may view this as either negative or positive so I will calm the fears of both. To all over 18s rest assured, access to pool and table tennis is denied during lesson time, meaning anyone back house during a free has to work, and during prep neither are available (confirmed by Giles’s moan). And to all under 18s, rest assured the balance of table tennis and/or pool while assuring you get A-levels good enough for your parents to be proud, is both easy and achievable. It is true what they say, Nelson is the best year of RHS.

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