Out with The Old, In with The New: The New Editorial Team of 2018-19

Out with The Old, In with The New: The New Editorial Team of 2018-19

By Holly F-S and Lucy Wong


As the end of yet another exciting, stressful and typical RHS year approaches, we say goodbye to the Bubble Editors of 2017-18 (Ella Finch, Imi Peterson, Georgia Folkard-Smith, PC Du Toit, Ben Barker, Molly Freeman and Oli Moore), who are all moving on to focusing on their exams and enjoying their last term at RHS. Undoubtedly, all eager to graduate RHS, disappear, and start a new life. They have set the standard high with their both consistent and intellectual articles they have published this past year.

They now hand over the baton of journalism responsibility to the incoming Year 13 editorial team and the pressure is high? Does the new team have what it takes to be as witty and entertaining as their predecessors?

We will now introduce the editorial team of 2018-19, as well as the man who runs it all: The Supreme-Oxford legend, mini-marathon-winning editor…Thom Hodson.

However, we want to remind you that it’s not just editors who are urged to write articles, but all members of the community, from any year; if you feel inspired or passionate about anything at all – a certain headline, school characteristic, sport, or maybe just some advice – we encourage you to write a short article for The Bubble. It is a great skill to have for yourself and for university, and you may find a passion for writing.


Thomas Hodson
Now, this man not only graduated from Oxford – but also got admitted there twice. Lest you ever forget this, it shall be the end of you. He has also stepped up to be the acting head of department, otherwise described as his first and last chance of tyranny. He did, however, become a fashion icon in the process. His signature pieces include Bohemian-patterned ties and tailored jackets. It must be difficult for the rest of the staff to keep up with this icon who has the pinnacle fashion sense.
Besides that, Thom is also an ‘aspirational’ cricketer, amateur rugby player and BTEC English teacher. His leadership skills have paved the way for the future Fiona Bruces of our generation to debut their talents to the RHS community. His passion, dedication, devotion, blood, sweat, and tears – call it what you will – have all been channelled into ‘The Bubble’ for it to bloom and flourish. But not, however, without a little assistance from the student-led editorial team – who are introduced below.


Toby Braybrooke
As a sport player, the Collingwood-jock-of-RHS Toby impresses the crowd with this performances on the sports fields, but can he replicate this on a platform of intellect? You may hear more of Toby in the future one day when he pursues his hope of becoming a journalist and becomes famous.


Dominic Curtis
You have already seen Dom who takes on the role of RHS’s agony aunt in his new aspiration to answer as many problems at RHS as possible. Not only so, but his excessive plethora of academic prestige, awards, achievements, exaltations, etc. soundly contrasts with his sarcastic and belittling mockeries, replacing Ben Barker as the next scholarly editor – except, Dom also has prefect…
As a word of caution, do not ever try to pace yourself academically against Dom. His intellectual superiority.


Lydia Torrington
This indie and wavy girl has contributed to the Bubble many a time already, presenting her views on current issues of the day including the take-over of the internet and gun crime in the US. She gives Thom a run for his money when it comes to style, being a dare devil leopard print wearer and head band supporter, Lydia steals the room with her funky clothes.


Lucy Wong
‘Lucy’ – short for Lucifer. Her unexpectedly-dark humour ironically juxtaposes with her aim to also become a peer support leader. A controversial figure, arguably. Her full-time contempt perhaps makes her the bitter cynic in the editorial team – after Dom, of course. Dear Readers, she will probably struggle to publish articles for you on time because she is also very lazy. Yet also a perfectionist. One of those self-contradicting, lazy perfectionists.
More to be revealed


Holly Folkard-Smith
Always being one year behind her sister she aims to be….take on her sister’s role as editor last year in their never-ending sibling rivalry, but has already made contributions to the Bubble covering a range of topics: threats of the internet, sunburns and sisterly interviews.


Adam Warren
Many of you may know him from the gym, or from him asking you to have his protein shakes delivered to your house. But we exclusively reveal he is more than just a gym enthusiast, he is a writer. He has interviewed the most frightening heavyweights of the RHS staff and is clearly willing to put his life at risk to find out the best information for you. Being the Head of House for Hawke, (aka, Mr Warren’s agent) he aims to impress with his ruthless interviews and ambitiously-artistic articles.


And that is all for our new 2018-19 editorial team, we look forward to bringing you new articles each week and remember that your writing can be published on The Bubble as well!