The Secret to Happiness – Ayoola Oshiyemi
Everything you want, relies on the law of attraction. Everything you say, you think about, or you believe comes your path and way. For example, I always say “I have an amazing life!” You will be attracting goodness and happiness to your life and it also gives you the right power or boost to proceed and make your life even better or even the best it can be!
Positivity is one of the key gateways to attraction. If you are full of joy and optimistic you will begin to realise how lucky you are and how much you are worth. You are worth a lot . If you know that you are happy, joyful, positive, fruitful, and a gift to the universe; then who can bring you down? Nobody can bring you down, unless you let yourself be brought down, by letting the devious negativity control you. NO! Stop and think… Time is always moving forwards, so stop thinking backwards. Think about the present. Think about your future.

It will affect your heart gradually. It can attack your body, especially the lungs, causing high blood pressure, headaches, depression, heart attacks, skin problems as well as many other general health problems. If you often find yourself feeling negative, stop thinking this way, for your own benefit.
There are ways to curb your anger: Meditation, prayer, relaxation, exercise, etc.
Think of your anger as an obstacle to overcome!
We are never without the ability to be happy. With happiness comes gratitude and generosity.Â
Always be sure of your own happiness before trying to improve someone else’s.
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