Who is Hillary? Has she won the nomination? – Patrick Vickers
Hillary Clinton is now the presumptive Democrat nominee in the upcoming US Presidential election. If she becomes president then she will be the first female president the United States has had, but can she win? How did she start running for president? What will happen if she becomes president?
Hillary Clinton was born on the 26 October 1947 in Illinois, as Hillary Diane Rodham, and is one of three children. She was brought up with traditional views, in a politically conservative and politically active family. Hillary was a very bright child and she succeeded through High school and graduated in the top five percent of her class in 1965. In her early collage years she was given an internship at the Republican Conference. This helped shape her political views because she didn’t like the racially inflamatory messages that Richard Nixon was giving out. This meant she left the Republican Party behind, but it did give her the step into American politics that she needed. In 1969, she graduated with a bachelor of arts with department honours in political science.
After leaving college she met Bill Clinton. In 1975 they bought a house together and Bill proposed to Hillary. On October 11, 1975 they married each other in a Methodist ceremony in their living room. On 27 February 1980 Hillary gave birth to Chelsea Victoria Clinton, their only child. In 1993 Bill Clinton became the 42nd president of the United States, making Hillary Clinton the First Lady, for the democrats.
When Hilary became the First Lady of the United States she also notched up some other firsts; she was the first First Lady to hold a postgraduate degree, to have her own professional career (up to the time of entering the White House), and she was the first to have an office in the West Wing instead of the East Wing. Although the First Lady has no official job description, there is an expactation to attend official dinners and ceremonies with the President.
To become president of the USA you must have been born in America, lived in America for at least 14 years and be 35 or over. Then you need to be elected through the Primaries and Caucuses and then the national conventions. Then it is the general elections and Electoral College. The new president and vice president are inaugurated in January.
In 2007 Hillary Clinton started to run her democratic presidential campaign for the 2008 presidency. However, this was short listed due to her loosing the Iowa caucus. Before this point she was doing very well in the polls but after the Iowa caucus she lost a considerable number of votes. After losing to Barack Obama, a fellow democrat, Obama selected her as the 67th sectary of state.

Now in 2016 she is running for president again for the Democrats and has won her way through the primaries. However, she is not formally the democratic nominee until she is voted in the Domocratic National Convention in July this year. Hillary has achieved this by gaining the overall suport of 2383 delegates. Although she has the required votes, many of them are superdelegates. This means they are people inside the democratic party that have said they are going to vote for a running candedate, but can only vote in July. In retaliation, Bernie Sanders has stated that “it is unfortunate that the media, in a rush to judgement, are ignoring the Democratic National Committee’s clear statement that it is wrong to count the votes of superdelegates before they actually vote at the convention this summer”. Further to this, Sanders has vowed to stay in the race until the convention this summer. However, Hillary does have an estimated 2.9 million more voters than Sanders, which could be enough to win the Democratic National Convention.
If Hillary Clinton becomes President she would be the 45th US president, but the first female President. Bill Clinton could work on Hillary’s cabinet or she could nominate him for the sectary of state. However, this would create some problems if he was nominated for the sectary of state. Secondly, one of her top priorities would be to raise the American income and to rebuild the American infrastructure. She says that on her “…first day as President, I’ll set two big goals. I want the U.S. to have half a billion solar panels by 2020. And I want us to generate enough renewable electricity to power every home in America in the next 10 years”.
We wait with baited breath to see the outcome of the elections in November. Will we be welcoming Hillary Clinton to the White House as the first female president? Or will it be Donald Trump to become the first imbecile in the Oval Office?
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