Bond Should Not Be A Woman: Take Me On – Giles Lennox
Welcome to Take Me On! This is a Bubble regular in which all pupils are…
Teresea May: Tears and Tory Leadership – Olivia King
It is likely common knowledge now that on the 24th of May, Teresa May announced…
Game of Thrones Season 8: Why it’s so bad – Giles Lennox
Before I start my piece, I would like to clarify this is a review that…
Chapel Talk – Señor Encinas
I love RHS. I love it so much that I have spent the last 16…
Searching Unifrog… ‘Save the World’ – Amelia Potter
With much talk of the climate issues concerning our world today, statistics and data seem…
Kim K: ‘Legally Blind’ – Immie Pearson
The name Kim Kardashian West is one that most people know and, whether you like…
The plastic problem – Finlay Dinnick
Cutting our consumption of single use plastic means avoiding having it as part of our…
An argument against cryptocurrency – Alfie Christopher
The crypto currency market is a “collection of concepts and technologies that form the basis…
Our ocean isn’t a bin! – David Obasan
Plastic. The greatest thing in the world, right? It's super durable and can be used…