Casting ballots, casting doubt – Flora Fletcher on US Election 2020
What seems to be turning into an election week, rather than a day, the tense…
The Price and Value of a New Lockdown- Jessie Jordan
As we are immersed, quite suddenly, into a second lockdown, it can be hard to…
Year 12 Dinner: Interview with Abi Oyepitan- Savannah Collis
On Friday 16th the year 12’s had a dinner organised for them by predominantly Mr…
Agony Aunt- week 7 Michaelmas
Welcome to the first ever RHS Bubble ‘Agony Aunt’ page! Here we will have a…
Trump vs. Johnson: Covid-19 – Joel Sheldon
Boris Johnson. Donald Trump. Two of the most controversial leaders in the world today. Two…
What kind of chocolate bar are you? – Jessie Jordan
Have you ever wondered what kind of chocolate bar you would be? Take this quick…