Why is climbing popular at school? – Logan B.

Why is climbing popular at school? – Logan B.

I personally have always enjoyed climbing from even before I came to this school, so while this is an article about my passion it may also be a tiny advertisement to get some people to try out something new which they haven’t tried before. When posed with writing this I knew I wanted to do something about climbing so that is why I wanted to know why it is such a popular first choice for people when they join the school.  

Most of us know that at the beginning of each term a form will be sent out saying that because climbing is such a popular club at the school and because spaces are limited, we would like you to sign up via form. Knowing that spaces are limited in a club or anything in life is important as it can lead to the brain associating it as something unique or hard to get, which is something which humans are automatically attracted to. Being a part of something that is hard to get in is something known as the need for uniqueness as it allows the person to feel special and different from other people they may or may not know. I think that this is an important factor as to why it is such a popular first choice.   

Another reason would be how much of a change it is from other sports. This sudden change from hockey, netball, rugby and more could be vital for somebody who would like to try out climbing. Some people like change as it provides different opportunities which allow them to develop themselves. This change could also be to push themselves out of their comfort zone which is what many people will state in something like their new years resolution and doing something such as a new sport could be a great way for them to start their journey. Being able to have the choice of what you do when you want change is important for people as it can make the feel more comfortable with what they are doing instead of being forced into something that they would much rather not do which is why it could be considered a good reason for people joining.  

Have you ever had that feeling where you have just finished school with just a bit too much energy or the polar opposite of having none. Have you ever been to the café with your friends and now you have nothing to do with the rest of your day, well this is what our after-school clubs are for. Sport or anything that you enjoy in general have the ability to both wake you up, tire you out and fill your time. Filling in your day doing things which you enjoy is an important factor of school life and clubs such as climbing are a perfect way of filling said time. It has been proven that to much rest will leave you bored and can lead to side effects such as bad sleep, which makes it important for us to use some (not all) of our free time doing something which can activate and nourish our brains. Climbing is a popular pick among our peers both because of its timing and how it can stop us from feeling how I like to call it “rest bored”. 

Lastly, Climbing is not just one thing, Mr. Ryan has made climbing a kind of Buy one get one free deal. If you don’t like heights there is always the option of bouldering on the lower ground until you have built up your confidence to go higher. On the other hand, you may have found it to easy, so you can have the opportunity to try something harder or even a whole new style. If you don’t feel comfortable climbing on the day, you can belay somebody else and help them conquer their next challenge. Having a variety of things to do is proven to make people happy over a longer period of time and with the number of different things that you can experience across the whole school in a year is amazing. Having the choice to do what you feel like on the day you go is a big factor in people’s decisions of joining something such as climbing.  

In conclusion, I believe that climbing is a popular first choice at the school because of how different it is from everything else, and how it provides the chance for people to do what they feel like when they feel like it. This is good for psychology as it makes the person feel less pressured to do something. But the real answer has to be that everybody would want to spend their free time with Mr. Ryan, like how could you not want to.