Staff through the keyhole week 5- Bella P
I had started to spend one of my study periods (not to be confused with a free period) brainstorming how to start this weeks article in a way that didn’t involve asking ChatGPT to change a few words from last weeks intro to make it seem like I’d rewritten it, until I reached the conclusion that no one probably even reads the intro and instead most people simply scroll down to the pictures or straight to the reveal of last weeks teacher and so I reached the logical conclusion to spend my time more productively. Although reading this back the irony is not lost on me that I appear to have waffled so much that I’ve created a rather long intro.
last weeks mystery teacher was….
Mr Havers, I’m sure this comes as no surprise to anyone with his house full of geographical decor, cycling gadgets and his daily essentials (such as his favourite shoes, sunglasses and water bottle)
congratulations to Ester O, Gen M and Ester S who all emailed me with correct guesses within minutes of each other!
Now for this weeks mystery teacher…

Whilst I’m not sure this image will help you decipher this teachers identity I thought it would just allow you to appreciate the intricate planning that goes into designing every area of their home. From the ergonomically designed chairs to the fancy wood holder, everything appears to have been extensively researched before being purchased. So when their identity is eventually revealed next week perhaps slide a compliment about their house into your next conversation with them!

There’s definitely a few clues hidden in the corner of this image, which teacher could be caught in a state of panic over the safety of their current Duolingo streak (I wonder how they feel about Duolingo’s death?), or just as often they can be caught sprinkling a few phrases of this language into their lessons just to remind anyone who’d potentially forgotten that they’re learning this language (or in a double whammy moment they may even tell you where they went to university in this language!)

I have to say my first thoughts when I saw this image pop into my inbox was slight concern over the sheer number of quite large knives stuck to the wall, I’m guessing they are keen to promote their culinary ability although I’m not sure that will help you much! Slightly more obviously they appear to have left some of their favourite reading material on the countertop… maybe they placed it down to take a moment to appreciate the hanging fungi beside the window.

I guess this teacher may be interested in reading but then again I’m just not sure… I’d just like to provide some context to this photo by explaining that I had to very carefully select which of the thousands of photos of the various bookshelves around this house should feature. Therefore you may be wondering if there’s any space in this house without books or botanical paraphernalia in every inch and I can safely assure you that there isn’t. As a side note I am definitely left questioning the reasoning behind the scissors being wrapped up, perhaps not everyone in the house is a fan of reading?

Whilst still toying with which images to feature in this article I felt that the aesthetically pleasing decor in this one deserved a feature, although perhaps the decor itself may hint that this mystery teacher doesn’t live alone… I did promise there was always a book in sight although this one doesn’t quite seem to fit in with the classics around the house, perhaps interest in this novel was sparked by a recent special guest to the school?
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