Staff through the keyhole week 3- Bella P
After a week of whispers, wild guesses, and some truly questionable theories, the moment of truth has arrived, discovering which teacher’s home you’ve been unknowingly critiquing. But before the grand reveal, congratulations to Lauren S and Sean E who together correctly guessed the identity of last week’s mystery teacher before anyone else (but who will guess it this week?)
the mystery teacher was…
Mr Clare – hopefully the running shoes on the stairs, suit jackets in the lounge, his calculator and even pictures of him in the kitchen gave it away, although clearly not for all of you with some people even questioning if it belonged to a female member of staff? If your guesses were wildly off course there’s always time to try again this week.
And now time to explore the next mystery teachers home…

Starting with this mystery teachers lounge, where we appear to have interrupted a cosy Sunday morning (I wonder what their TV programme of choice is?). However, the TV isn’t the only thing catching my eye, it’s the array of plants, candles and perhaps a few decorations beyond making this room feel extra homely! There’s also a hint at the location of this teachers house with one of the boarding houses peeking out from behind the hedge, I’ll leave it up to you to decide if that a perk or not.

Moving through to the next room, this teacher is clearly an avid reader, although perhaps not just of your average novel, I wonder if the English Department would have any thoughts on the literary value of these books? Casting our eyes away from the bookshelf, the room is definitely not lacking in decorations including a few homemade ones and a big clue…

Their library appears to extend beyond just one room in the house, including an array of light? bedtime reading. Who would be found with these books in hand late at night and early in the morning? Clearly they’re also a fan of a soothing hot drink alongside their literature, with a coaster poised, ready and waiting.

Here’s the final clue, to hopefully guide you across the finish line! It’s definitely clear from this that this teacher is well… dedicated to their favourite hobby (although perhaps describing it as a hobby is under exaggerating their passion). But this isn’t their only hobby and they can be found exercising on both land and water when not in the school block!
With half term finally on the horizon (and in fact only a matter of hours away by the time this is published) unfortunately you’ll have to wait an extra week for this week’s mystery teacher to be revealed. But hopefully the extra time will allow you to hone in your guesses and make sure they’re on the right track this time.
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