Meet Reverend Page- Bella P
This term marks an exciting new chapter for our chapel life, the arrival of Reverend Page and her adorable spaniel Rosie (featured in the image above). I had the opportunity to sit down with her after her first few weeks to learn about her highlights, hobbies and more, here’s what she said…
What’s been your favourite part of your first few weeks?
With RHS life being so busy it’s unsurprising that the chaplain struggled to condense the past few weeks into simply one memory and so she settled on a top 3. Firstly was the internal netball tournament that took place on Saturday, which she found was the perfect opportunity to meet more pupils in a wide range of different year groups. As someone who was at said event I’m guessing the experience was much more positive and more specifically warmer when wrapped up on the sidelines. The second highlight isn’t a single event but, the weekly music scholar performances during a Thursday chapel service. I’m sure everyone can agree that their enchanting performances certainly are the perfect mid-week mood booster. Finally and by certainly no means least (although perhaps most controversially) was the first Sunday chapel (led by St V) which was another standout memory. (word of warning, I would urge you to steer clear of muttering the words ‘Sunday chapel’ around school, especially if in close proximity to any boarders)
What’s your favourite area of the school site?
Unsurprisingly Rev Page confidently highlighted the chapel as her favourite area. More specifically the area towards the back of the building which connects us to the history of the school and all those who have gone before us. Certainly a powerful legacy unique to RHS.
What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced in your first few weeks?
Trying to use a surface. (Even after 3 years with a surface I’m still not entirely sure how to use them so I’m sure many of you reading this will also relate). This struggle became even more understandable when I learnt that the last time the chaplain taught at RHS wasn’t during the iPad era or even the use of interactive whiteboards but in fact chalkboards! (for all the teachers reading, remember this when complaining that your projector is taking forever to turn on or that your surface has crashed out for the 10th time in one lesson).
Is there anything you’re looking forward to seeing/doing for the first time?
The answer that came back was House Shout (perhaps after 20 years away from the school she’s managed to block out memories of the raucous that I’m not sure can even be classed as singing.) But on a more positive note maybe this comment should serve as motivation to make sure you actually know the lyrics to your house’s song before you go up on stage. Given that it’s only a week away that does also involve knowing what song your house is singing…
Do you have any hobbies?
For all the tea fanatics reading this I’m sure you’ll be pleased to know that the new chaplain shares this ‘hobby’ (although I’m not convinced that sipping hot water out of a mug can truly be classed as a hobby?). When not found with a cuppa Rev Page can also be found on a ski slope (fun fact she actually took part in the Canadian cross country ski marathon so, if you happen to see her on the slopes I’d watch out!). Bonus fun fact she also has a number 1 album with the military wives choir so if your looking for additions to your playlist have a listen!
What’s your favourite hymn?
I do have to admit I was getting slightly worried when I asked this question and she admitted she wasn’t sure if she did. But thankfully after some deep thought she decided on ‘all people that on earth do dwell’ (for any of you currently judging this choice don’t worry there is justification to follow) this was one of the first hymns we sung in chapel this term and she found the notion of the whole world (including everyone whose gone before us) joining in song very powerful especially when paired with the infamous Holbrook sound.
Finally to end the article, she asked me to include a picture of a new decorative piece in her office (perhaps my article last week inspired some further office decorating!!) although I have to clarify this is only a sneak peak as it’s not yet ready to be used. But, in due course the cross will be available for people to pin up prayer requests and additionally add some warmth to the chaplain’s office through its twinkling lights.

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