RHS Bachelor- Nanayaa Z

RHS Bachelor- Nanayaa Z

After two, long, treacherous years without the Sixth Form Bachelor, I am pleased to announce it is finally making a return. I have taken the reigns that were handed down from my predecessor and am gifting you the highs and lows of sixth form relationships. As always, the 10-week summer break never fails to produce the most eligible bachelors and bachelorettes here at school. The days basking in the sun, free from the hectic stress of school life, has yielded an array of students, glowing with excitement. Whilst it was sad to say goodbye to the previous Year 13s, the upcoming Year 12s have a lot of potential to bring to the table, causing the inevitably renewal of developing crushes. Two weeks into the new academic year the rumours regarding love and relationships have skyrocketed and I am here to bring light to the truth, love to those deprived and find the cure to heartache that is so longed after.

To kick start the season we are starting at an all time high, with our very own Prefect Rufus H being our first bachelor.

Rufus H has a strange yet interesting fascination in Georgian architecture and has a love for dogs. He is also Deputy Head Sacristan (a fact he made me promise I would include) and takes Geography, History and Business. In particular, he is searching for someone who can cook a “banging pot noodle” (I fear Rufus may be living in the wrong century, but we’ll assume the pot noodle cookery works both ways) whilst being a down-to-earth – someone he can have a conversation with (that’s more like it, Rufus).

Let’s see if any of this week’s bachelorettes tick all of his boxes.

First up, we have Honor B.

Honor takes Politics, Spanish and History. She loves animals, especially dogs, and has a deep appreciation for the art of cooking as well as immersive conversations with her friends. Her love for fashion resonates in her dating life also as she looks for someone with a fashionable persona who also is slightly taller than her and hardworking. Already there a few parallels between the two’s interests such as their fondness for animals and food. Match made in heaven??

Next, Estelle L.

Estelle enjoys being active, specifically playing hockey. She takes English Literature, History and Economics whilst enjoys spending her free time reading or playing the oboe. Impressive. Her type would be described as someone tall, interestingly smart and handsome.

Last but not least, Issey M.

Issey who takes History, Politics and Economics also enjoys spending time with her friends. She is commonly described as having a bubbly personality and is something she also looks for in a boyfriend, as well as them being tall and blonde (but sometimes can be partial to a blonde.)

Stay tuned to next week’s episode to see how the dreaded first dates went.