A group Nelson Q & A – Ayoola O

A group Nelson Q & A – Ayoola O

When I first came to this school, I was taken aback by just how big it was, and all the amazing opportunities that awaited me that I wouldn’t have been able to access elsewhere. How was I ever going to cope and who would I be afterwards? I have grown from all of my experiences here and am so grateful for the person that I have become and that I am still becoming. Sometimes, it is just nice to reflect, to reflect on what has happened and what is yet to come. I decided that it might be a nice idea to ask a series of questions to people in Nelson and to see what this crazy secondary school experience has meant to them.

What is the biggest change between you now and you in Year 7? 

“Now I actually know how to take care of my black hair” (Year 13)

What did you think of the school when you first arrived here?
“It is so big and fancy, how am I ever going to find my way around this place? The opportunities and facilities are one of a kind!” (Year 13)

How has the school impacted you?
“This school has provided me with opportunities that would’ve been so unimaginable for me coming from a state school. Many people here will never understand how lucky we are to be at a place so special, unique and safe compared so many others throughout the country. This school has given me insight into another world and I’m so grateful to be able to say it has helped me become a well rounded person who is able to get along with anyone from anywhere without any judgement.” (Scarlet)

What would you tell your Year 7 self?

“That I am still cringe!”  (Izzy S)

“I would tell my year 7 seven self to get involved  more, I used to always worry about doing things that I wasn’t good at in case people made fun of me. I feel like it’s so much better to get involved in things while you are younger.”(Isabella)

What has changed most about you since coming to RHS?
“I have matured a lot and met wonderful friends.” (Kate) 

“More independent” (Antonio)

What is the biggest lesson you have learned from your time at school? “Never give up and failure is just a redirection to success. Also make the most of all opportunities you never know what it could lead to.”(Teni)

“How teachers switch up with the transition to 6th form” (Izzy S)

What is the biggest difference about Year 13 from Year 12? Massive work change obviously, huge.  But the family you develop in Nelson and the friends that you never thought you would make are just amazing. This has been the best year of my life. Period. -Marn

How much the pressure increases and you have to learn how to independently manage the stress and anxiety that comes from academic pressures (Izzy P)

What advice would you give to your eleven year old self?

“Don’t stay in your comfort zone, meet new people, make a fool of yourself, laugh loud and don’t listen to what anyone else has to say because when you start doing that even just a little bit more, life because a whole lot more fun” (Jaz)

Have your priorities changes since year 7/8?
“They have, from checking my Clash of Clans to when my next FREE period is so I can have a nap. (Lorca D-B)”

What has been your favourite school trip?

“Me and Kate had an amazing time in Amsterdam this year on our Psychology trip.” (Sandy)

“Skiing most years and bossing the black runs. Berlin was pretty cool too!” (Izzy S)

What has RHS taught you most about yourself?

“To open up and talk to people more” (Katie)

“To meet and talk to more people” (Lula)  

What was your favourite moment in Nelson?

“Being with my friends all the time, vibing to music and learning afrobeats. Marn jumping on the ping pong table to announce his book was a particular highlight, though I’m not sure Sir saw it that way…” (Izzy S)